Sunday, September 30, 2012

Migraine Headaches - 5 Methods to Relieve Them Naturally!

Migraine Headaches - 5 Methods to Relieve Them Naturally!
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There are many new migraine headache treatments available that can be both safe and effective. Natural treatments for migraine headaches are usually safer and cheaper than traditional pain medications. And in many instances they can relieve pain just as well or even better than prescription or non-prescription drugs. The possibility of a negative reaction to a safe and natural migraine headache treatment is still there, but it is less with most natural treatment methods than it is with pain-relieving medications.

Migraine Headaches - 5 Methods to Relieve Them Naturally!

Every person on the face of the earth is unique. Their body chemistry is different than anyone else's. One person may find relief from their migraine headaches with one type of treatment while someone else may try that same treatment and find no relief at all. No two people will experience the same reaction from the same treatment. But why is that?

Every body is made up of a mixture of chemicals. Every person produces certain chemicals in their body so that they will be able to function at their best. Histamines will increase gastric secretion and dilate the capillaries. Insulin is secreted by the pancreas and helps regulate the blood sugar levels. Hormones are produced by the body for many different functions. Adrenaline (epinephrine) is produced in response to stress. Every body is unique and produces different chemicals in differing amounts. When a person takes aspirin (a chemical) for their migraine headaches it changes the chemical make-up of that person's body.

You've always heard that when two chemicals, in the same amounts, at the same temperature, etc. are mixed together they will cause the same reaction. That may be true, but when one chemical (such as aspirin) is taken by two separate people their reactions will never be exactly the same because no two people have identical chemicals in their body. One person taking aspirin will not have the same reaction as someone else taking aspirin. And it's the same with natural migraine headache treatments. Since no two people are identical no two people will respond exactly the same to a treatment method for migraine headaches.

So just because one migraine headache treatment does not work for one person does not mean it won't work for your migraine headaches. There are many effective alternatives to taking medications when it comes to relieving migraine headaches. You just have to try one for yourself to see if it will work for you.

One natural and popular treatment method for migraine headaches is chiropractic care, or chiropractic manipulations. Studies have shown that over 80% of headache patients find some type of relief for their headaches with chiropractic treatment. And chiropractic treatment has been shown to be extremely safe. Spinal problems cause headaches and when these spinal problems are treated by chiropractors a high percentage of their patients experience relieve from their pain.

Another natural way to relieve migraine headaches is biofeedback. This is a safe and potentially effective way to eliminate pain. Biofeedback is not actually a treatment, but a training program designed to help a person develop the ability to control their autonomic (involuntary) nervous system. Functions that are normally automatic in the body, such as blood pressure regulation or heart rate can be controlled voluntarily. This technique makes it possible for a person to control their own heart rate, blood pressure, skin temperature or relaxation of their muscles.

It's no secret that stress causes muscle tension. And nobody will deny that muscle tension causes pain and headaches. And it's also a fact that by relaxing this muscle tension, especially in the neck and head, it is possible to relieve the migraine headaches or neck pain that is being caused by the tension. With biofeedback the machinery is not always necessary. Once the biofeedback technique is learned there is no longer any need for the equipment. The patient with migraine headaches can now produce the desired effect at any time. A person that has been trained with biofeedback can control some of their bodily functions, such as muscle relaxation, which can help relieve their headache pain.

Another cause of headaches can be the intake of too much salt. Some people just can't get enough of it. They pour it onto their food with wreckless abandon. And too much salt can and does cause headaches. What's the solution? Simply lessening the salt intake can sometimes prevent the headaches from occurring.

Food sensitivities have also been shown to cause migraine headaches in some people. Foods such as cheese, alcohol, MSG (monosodium glutamate - a food additive), yeast, wheat, nuts, avocados, beans, bananas, oranges (and other citrus fruits), pork, vinegar (and pickled foods), dairy products, caffeine, chocolate, onions and others can cause migraines. Foods that cause migraine headaches are called "migraine triggers." People who experience migraine headaches because of food allergies can reduce or eliminate their pain by eliminating the foods that cause the headaches.

It sounds simple, but it takes a little detective work to figure out which foods, if any, are causing the migraine headaches. So how can you determine which foods are the culprits? The logical way is to keep a diary of what you eat and when. Get a small notebook, with each page representing one day, and make three columns on each of the pages. The first column on the left side of the page will contain the hours in the day. The second column down the middle of the page will be a list of the foods eaten that day. And the third column on the right side of the page will list the symptoms (headaches) that you experience.

Here's how the food diary works: if you had an orange, cereal and milk for breakfast at 8 AM you would write "orange, cereal, milk" in the middle (food) column directly to the right of 8 AM in the left (time) column. Make a note of everything that you eat on this list and at what time you ate them.

Next, whenever you experience a migraine headache write "migraine headache" or "headache" in the right (symptoms) column that corresponds with the time (in the left column) your headache began. For example, if you started feeling pain from one of your migraine headaches at 2 PM you would write "headache" in the right (symptoms) column directly across from 2 PM in the left (time) column.

Once you've had enough time to experience a few migraine headaches you will be able to examine your food diary to determine which foods you ate shortly before you began experiencing your pain. For example, if you had 3 migraine headaches over a one-month period, and you had milk shortly before each of the migraine attacks, milk may be the culprit. It may take a few weeks or even a few months to come to any conclusions, but over time, by figuring out which foods or ingredients in these foods, are causing your pain, you will be able to eliminate these ingredients and relieve your pain caused by these foods.

Probably the most common cause of headaches is just plain old stress. People who experience tension in their lives can get headaches from their increased tension. Stress can be caused by many things including work-related stress or family-related stress. And although it's not always possible to eliminate the cause of the stress it is often possible to relieve the muscle tension and pain that originates from the stress.

Biofeedback training (as explained above) is one way to help reduce stress. Other ways are taking a warm bath or shower, lying down and relaxing in a quiet dark room, having someone massage your neck and head (temporal region) muscles to help relieve your tension and muscle spasms or placing something cold (ice) on the back of the neck (at the base of the skull). When using ice it should not be placed directly on the skin. Some wet paper towels that have had the water wrung out of them should be placed between the ice and the skin. Regular exercise can also, over time, reduce tension.

We have discussed 5 natural treatment methods that are available to migraine headache patients. They are all considered safe and are effective for many people. There are many other natural treatment methods out there for you to try. If you have headaches it may be beneficial for you to try some of these treatments or search for others on your own. But as a word of advice, it is always a good idea to talk with a chiropractor or medical doctor before treating yourself for a health condition.

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5 Homemade Protein Shakes That Will Bulk Up Your Muscles and Still Taste Great

5 Homemade Protein Shakes That Will Bulk Up Your Muscles and Still Taste Great
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If you're serious about improving your body and building muscles, then you'll definitely want to experiment with homemade protein shakes. You're probably already using various protein supplements in your diet to build up your muscle mass. If you've been using popular whey and soy protein powders, you've probably noticed that the taste gets dull very quickly. It doesn't taste that great, but you still drink it anyway because it'll help you achieve your goal of a better body. But it doesn't have to be that way anymore.

5 Homemade Protein Shakes That Will Bulk Up Your Muscles and Still Taste Great

Many people are turning to different shakes that have much better flavor. By adding some fruits and other ingredients into a blender, you can turn your protein shake into something delicious. You don't have to force yourself to drink those those dull protein shake powders anymore when you try out these shakes:

All you just need are the ingredients listed below, along with a blender. Unless noted otherwise, just throw all of the ingredients into the blender and blend it until it's smooth. You'll have your shakes in no time!

Note: These are homemade protein shakes that I have compiled from other sources, such as web forums and other bodybuilders. Just so you know, I DID NOT invent these myself. I'm just spreading the word about the ones I feel are the healthiest and most efficient.

Homemade Protein Shakes #1: Tropical Protein Shake
1/4 Cup of crushed pineapples
6 Strawberries
1 Apricot, diced
1 tbsp Skim Milk Powder
1 tbsp Protein Powder
1 1/2 Cup of Water
1 tsp Flax Seed Oil

#2: Fruit Yogurt Protein Shake
1/2 Cup Orange Juice
1 Cup Strawberries
1 Cup Vanilla Low Fat Yogurt
1 1/2 Cup Skim Milk
2 Scoops Whey Protein Powder
1 tbsp Honey

Homemade Protein Shakes #3: Jane's Protein Shake
1 Cup Nonfat Milk
1/2 Fresh Banana
1/3 Cup of Blueberries or Peaches, OR 4 Fresh Strawberries
1 tsp. Wheat Germ or Bran
1-3 tbsp Protein Powder
A few ice cubes

#4: Banana-Strawberry High Protein Shake
2 Scoops of Honey Ice Milk
1/2 Banana
1 tbsp Protein Powder
1 tbsp Bragg Liquid Aminos
1 tbsp Super Rich Yeast
1/2 tbsp Lechithin
1/2 tbsp Honey
1/2 tbsp Wheat Germ
(Optional: Strawberry Juice)
Put the milk and strawberry juice in first. Then turn on the blender and while it's running, put in the rest of the ingredients.

Homemade Protein Shakes #5: Power Shake
1 Cup Lowfat Milk
1/2 Cup Plain Low-Fat Yogurt
1 Banana (Sliced)
2 tbsp Protein Powder
6 Strawberries (Sliced)
1 tsp. Wheat Germ
1 tbsp Honey or Maple Syrup
1/4 cup of Natural Berry Juice
A dash of Nutmeg or Carob Powder

“ This should be the easiest decision of your life. You have nothing to lose, and everything to gain. Let's get started. 100% Guaranteed ”

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Saturday, September 29, 2012

Discover Why Ion-Exchange Whey Protein is Your Best Bet for Building Lean Muscle Mass Quickly

Discover Why Ion-Exchange Whey Protein is Your Best Bet for Building Lean Muscle Mass Quickly
Muscle Milk Ingredients :

What is Whey Protein?

Discover Why Ion-Exchange Whey Protein is Your Best Bet for Building Lean Muscle Mass Quickly

There are several kinds of protein supplements available: milk and egg protein, soy, beef, and even vegetable protein; but the absolutely best source of protein is ion-exchange whey protein. This protein has superior biological value (which means it may yield more usable grams of protein than other protein supplements), plus it is very low in lactose (the substance in milk that causes a lot of stomach upset and gas in individuals).

There are two main ingredients in milk protein, they are casein and whey. Whey is produced mostly from the production of cheese. Milk is treated to cause a shift in pH and the casein coagulates and separates, and raw whey is left un-curded on top of the casein. It's then collected and undergoes various processing steps. These processing steps are what determines the quality of the whey protein end product.

During the processing, fat and lactose are filtered out to make a lower fat, lower carbohydrate, and higher concentrated protein powder. The protein content can range from 35% to 95% whey protein. Obviously, the higher the protein concentration, the more processing (filtering) is needed which adds to the cost. Generally, when the protein level reaches >90% concentration, it's considered WPI (whey protein isolate).

"Advanced Whey Protein Is WPI Protein"
What is Ion Exchange Protein?

With all of the different terms associated with protein supplements, it's not difficult to understand why we get confused. When talking about whey proteins, for example, the term ion exchange is common, but what does it really mean? Ion exchange is one method used to produce protein supplements. This is a process that separates proteins on the basis of their electrical charge. Various solvents are used to create an attractive charge on the proteins, which causes them to migrate toward oppositely charged resin beads in the reaction vessel. The protein can then be removed from the resin beads by reversing the charge to result in a "highly purified" whey protein isolate (WPI).

"Advanced Whey Protein Is Ion Exchange Protein"
What is Hydrolyzed Whey Peptides (HWP)?

Hydrolyzed whey peptides (HWP) are arguably the best - at least in terms of bioavailability - whey proteins that money can buy. HWPs are short chains of amino acids produced by strategically digesting (with enzymes) various bonds in whole whey proteins. Preliminary research suggests that HWPs are more easily absorbed (and properly utilized) than any other protein that we know of. Unfortunately, HWPs have an extremely bitter taste, so they can only be used in conjunction with other proteins and added in relatively small amounts.

"Advanced Whey Protein Is HWP Protein"
To provide for the best possible protein supplement, we have developed Advanced Whey Protein in 4 delicious flavors. Advanced Whey Protein is produced from hydrolyzed whey protein (producing di-, tri-, oligo-, and polypeptides) from specially-filtered (micro and ultra-filtered) and ion-exchange whey protein concentrate. This unique processing results in the highest quality protein that mixes instantly with a spoon, making it quick and easy to add extra protein to your daily food intake.

"Advanced Whey Protein Is Best Value Protein"
Why is Whey Protein Your Best Choice?

Is made from the highest biological value protein in the world.
Dissolves instantly in water, milk, or other liquid beverages. No lumpy protein in the bottom of your container.
Contains 20 grams of protein and 0.5 grams of L-Glutamine per 30 gram scoop.

Products are available in four great tasting flavors: chocolate, vanilla, strawberry, and banana. You won't be able to find a better tasting protein powder drink on the market today.

When you are implementing a weight loss regimen, how do you know which product is right for you? If you are looking to keep your carbohydrates, and fat low, you probably should consider a whey protein drink along with a good daily vitamin. Veriuni's Advanced Whey Protein supplies the necessary building blocks for your muscles to maintain size and strength, while providing 0.5g of Glutamine per serving, but only containing 3g of carbohydrates and less than 1g of fat!

If you want an excellent meal replacement drink that includes all the necessary vitamins and minerals in one without having to add extras, Veriuni's Advanced Weight Loss meal replacement is for you! Plus, you get a great tasting drink to assist you in achieving your weight loss goal.

If you are looking for added insurance that your daily needs for protein are met order Advanced Whey Protein today. It is your best choice.

“ This should be the easiest decision of your life. You have nothing to lose, and everything to gain. Let's get started. 100% Guaranteed ”

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The Most Effective Methods of Penis Enlargement

The Most Effective Methods of Penis Enlargement
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Have you ever seen a late night infomercial on TV about penis enlargement? Chances are you have and are at least somewhat interested in what exactly is behind all the hype. While it is true that there are many different methods and products on the market and on the internet that don't work at all, there are just as many you can find that work effectively and efficiently. If you do the research and find out the facts on some of these methods of penis enlargement, then you won't be disappointed.

The Most Effective Methods of Penis Enlargement

Most of the penis enlargement products out there that don't offer any real results aren't all natural. The ones that tend to give results are supplements that include natural ingredients like the vitamins and minerals your body requires to function in a healthy way. There are also many different exercises you can do in order to increase the size of your penis. Jelqing is one these ways. Jelqing is essentially an exercise where one "milks" their penis, stretching it and therefore increasing the overall size.

The more you work any muscle in your body the stronger it gets and the bigger it gets, and this includes the penis. These exercises are completely safe if done correctly. It's very important that you do all the research you can in order to protect your body and get the quick and efficient results you've been looking for.

Penis enlargement isn't just a scam you see on TV, it really works, you just have to know how to go about doing it. Most people don't take the time to gain the knowledge for themselves and therefore end up ordering a pump or a bunch of pills that don't really do anything for them. These products are marketed mostly to lazy, insecure men who don't really care to do the work that is involved in increasing the size of their penis once and for all.

“ This should be the easiest decision of your life. You have nothing to lose, and everything to gain. Let's get started. 100% Guaranteed ”

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Friday, September 28, 2012

Which Are the Best Pre-Workout Supplements?

Which Are the Best Pre-Workout Supplements?
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What you do before your workout can be as important as your workout itself. Stretching is certainly important as is to prepare your workout routine. Setting goals for each individual session is essential as is organization of exercises and equipment. But what else can you do to get the best results?

Which Are the Best Pre-Workout Supplements?

We believe that a pre-workout supplement is as important as supplements taken to maximize post workout results. For example, preparing your body with a nitric oxide reactor such as Arginine will reap huge benefits from each workout session.

Arginine is one of those rare semi-essential amino acids that can be produced in the body but only after a certain age. It can be found in such dairy products as yogurt, cottage cheese, milk and other products. Its many benefits include wound and muscle healing, improved immune function, and most importantly for athletes and bodybuilders, the increased production of human growth hormone (HGH) and an increase in muscle mass.

We have found three pre-workout supplements that are terrific sources of Arginine and other muscle building ingredients. They are:

Hyper Pump by Advanced Muscle Infinite Lab's Juggernaut Xpand by Dymatize

All three contain Arginine and other important ingredients such as Creatine, Whey and others that will help you achieve maximum results from each individual session. These products are recommended to be taken approximately 30 minutes before a workout session and then again about 8 hours later usually before a meal. As with all supplements, each person will have varying results so you may want to sample each before deciding which is best for you.

For more information on health and fitness supplements or to purchase discount fitness supplements, go to

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29 Healthy Fit Tips

29 Healthy Fit Tips
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1. BETTER POSTURE - If you have rounded or hunched shoulders and want to improve your posture, here are two things you can do. Backward shoulder rolls and shoulder squeezes with short sustained holds can help strengthen you upper middle back and stretch your chest. Think of your chest as if it were the headlights of a car and always keep your head lights up. Avoid arching your back. You'll soon walk straighter, stronger and be on your way to better posture for life.

29 Healthy Fit Tips

2. METABOLISM - Exercise not only increases the metabolic rate for the duration of the activity, but also for many hours after completion. Studies have indicated that the resting metabolism is still elevated some 18 hours after the exercise period. That means you're still burning calories long after you're finished working out.

3. WEIGHT LOSS - "It's hard to lose weight and keep it off". How many times have you heard that? The recent release of information saying that we have a fat gene is very depressing. It would be so easy to believe the "doomed to be fat" editorials or the notion that there's little that we can do about how much we weigh. But don't you dare for a minute, buy into that kind of thinking. If you watch what you eat and stay active, how much you weigh will be "OK". Think about it, there are people you know who have been successful at losing weight and keeping it off. Think positively.

4. FLAT ABS - Don't get too hung up on having the perfect flat stomach. For some people, this goal may be impossible. Even if you are very thin, your internal organs may give a slight roundness in your abdominal region. The flatness of your stomach depends, in large part on your genetics. That is, whether or not your body tends to store fat around your midsection or elsewhere.

5. HEART - Exercise has been proven to protect the heart. A moderate amount of exercise increase HDL cholesterol. It also lowers blood pressure, makes you less likely to gain weight, increases insulin sensitivity in the muscles and lowers the risk of formatting blood clots. Fit individuals have a lower risk of heart disease.

6. BMR - Our Basal Metabolic Rate (BMR), which is the number of calories burned at rest, decreases with age. Researchers have realized that a person's lean body mass is the key to compiling a definitive figure. The best way to maintain lean body mass is by including strength training to your workout regime. Without strength training, the BMR may drop by 100 calories per decade, starting at age 20, so build those muscles and burn more calories.

7. STRENGTH TRAINING - Is an excellent way to slow down the aging process, In fact, one researcher indicates that much of what we call aging, is nothing more than the accumulation of a lifetime of inactivity. For example, muscles shrink due to inactivity - a process we call atrophy and body fat increases as a result. Also linked with inactivity are risks of diabetes, hypertension and osteoporosis. By preserving muscle mass, we may prevent these problems from occurring.

8. SPOT REDUCING - It is a myth that abdominal exercises like sit ups burn fat deposits around the waist. The fact is, abdominal exercises can strengthen your abdominal muscles which in return help burn fat overall but it won't selectively burn abdominal fat. You can't spot reduce, which means to lose weight from specific regions of the body. However, this is not to say that doing abdominal exercises is a waste of time. When properly done, they strengthen and tone your abdominal muscles which are otherwise hard to exercise. Strong abdominals muscles provide better support for the back and may alleviate some back problems. The best way to lose fat is exercise combined with a low fat diet.

9. INFLEXIBILITY - in the quads can alter pelvic alignment, which in turn contributes to problems in the lower back. Lack of muscular coordination in this area increases risk of accidents and falls. Remember to include flexibility and coordination exercises when working out.

10. WOMEN - generally lose between 3 and 6% of their bone density annually just before and after menopause. Researchers estimate that in the women they studied, waling generally delayed osteoporosis by about 7 years and also conveyed cardiovascular benefits.

11. WOMEN & HEALTH - Women who exercise regularly experience as much as 60% reduction in the risk of breast cancer. Those who participated in at least 4 hours of exercise per week appeared to reap the greatest benefit.

12. WEIGHT TRAINING - Research has found that as women become stronger and fit with weights, they begin to spend time pursuing other physical activities, such as team sports like tennis or join a cycling group, all because their stronger.

13. HEALTH - Did you know that strokes are rare in women 25-44? Under age 45, only 10/100,000 women lose their lives to stroke or other brain disorders. After 45, however, the rate zooms to 65/100,000 and continues to increase with age. The best way to avoid stroke is to control your blood pressure by keeping weight and cholesterol in check through healthy eating and regular exercise.

14. AFRICAN AMERICAN WOMEN - More than 40% of African American women weigh more than 20% above their ideal body weight, which gives them a 90% greater chance of developing heart disease. This extra weight, combined with a lack of exercise, contributes to other conditions that weaken the heart and one's overall health, including high blood pressure, diabetes, and high cholesterol. So get movin'!

15. WEAK MUSCLES - A recent study indicated that half of women age 65 cannot lift 10 pounds. Women have less muscle mass to begin with, and they start to lose muscle strength more rapidly after age 60. Often times they become so profoundly weak that they must be put into nursing homes because they are unable to perform their daily functions. So start pumping those weights.

16. EXERCISE DURATION - How much exercise is enough? Well, fitness experts say at least 60 minutes of moderate intensity activity a day. If you don't have 60 straight minutes, break it up into 6, 10 minute workouts or 30 minute workouts 4 to 6 days a week.

17. MUSCLE MASS - More muscle creates a higher demand for energy. In order for muscles to maintain itself at rest and during exercise, you'll need to eat more foods high in nutrients. How do we create this formula...resistance training builds strong muscles, and eating foods low in fat will help to prevent the loss of muscle mass.

18. TOTAL BODY - just like baking a pie, you need all the ingredients to have a beautiful and tasteful pie, same with your body, it's not one without the other, taking care of your body means as a whole, mentally, physically and spiritually!

19. HEALTHY FOODS - Eating foods that are rich in antioxidants are better for your skin, cells and body. Think organic, non-chemical foods that are not loaded with toxins. Eat fewer calories

20. REST - Your body needs rest to repair itself. Also, a rested mind is a happy mind that can think more clearly and has more energy. Active minds are more likely to remain healthy.

21. LIVE LONGER - Be active and live longer! Physical activity is critical to longevity and independent living. Death rates in non-active people double the rate of those that live an active keep moving!

22. ADVICE - Eighty percent of women rely on their friends for advice and support when trying to improve health habits. Eating healthier diets and increasing physical activity are the main ways that women attempt to improve their health and succeed.

23. WORKING OVERTIME - Women who work overtime consume more high fat, high sugar snacks and caffeinated beverages, smoke more, and get less exercise. People snack more when they work in hostile, high stress environments. Snacking at work is not necessarily bad if you choose healthy foods such as fruit, low-fat yogurt, or high-fiber crackers.

24. MAGNESIUM - Calcium and vitamin D get all the glory when it comes to promoting bone health. While they are the major nutritional players in bone metabolism, minerals such as iron and magnesium are also important. Good sources of magnesium include fruits vegetables and whole grains. You can also beef up magnesium intake by taking a good multivitamin that contains it.

25. METABOLICALLY FIT - Sixty percent of Americans are overweight, while 25 percent are obese. Many of these people exercise regularly, some vigorously, but are still overweight. A few extra pounds are okay if you are metabolically fit- as long as you exercise regularly. It's best to be lean and active, but you get some health benefits from exercise no matter how much you weigh. It's easier for a fat person to increase physical activity than to lose weight through diet alone.

26. VITMAMIN D - Skin doctors have been telling women for year to stay out of the sun and avoid tanning beds to avoid wrinkled skin and skin cancer. While the bronzed tan look is still popular, many women cover up or use protective sun lotions to protect their skin. Avoiding the sun's rays completely is not a good idea. The body gets vitamin D largely from a reaction that requires sunlight. The vitamin is essential for building strong bones, preserving muscle strength, and preventing multiple sclerosis, diabetes, and cancer. It also helps regulate cell growth, immunity, and energy metabolism. Dermatologists (skin doctors) countered that people with vitamin D deficiencies can take supplements and should avoid excessive sun exposure.

27. STRESS - Stress can literally give people gray hairs and cause cells to age and die faster than normal. Cells can only reproduce a limited number of times. Stress shortens that interval, which makes it more difficult to repair injured cells and fight disease. University of California, San Francisco found greater cell damage in women who were under high levels of stress compared to women who weren't. Stressed women had cells that were judged 10 years older than the cells of unstressed women of the same age. The scientists speculated that free radicals- destructive chemicals produced normally during metabolism- were responsible for stress-related cell aging. Try to reduce the stress in your life- you might live longer.

28. WHOLE GRAINS - Eating more high grain foods contributes to weight loss and prevents disease. New FDA food guidelines recommend five to ten servings of grain products- at least three of which should be from whole grains. They also urged people to eat fewer servings of refined grain products. Whole grain foods must contain all three layers of the grain- the endosperm, the bran and the germ. Read the label carefully when shopping for these foods. Dark bread does not necessarily contain whole grains.

29. DARIY FOODS - Most women know the importance of calcium intake for building and maintaining strong bones. Dairy foods, such as milk and cheese, are the best sources for calcium. Dairy foods may also help fight fat. Iranian scientists found that men and women who consumed the most dairy products are 80% less likely to be obese and have a lower body mass index. Try to consume three servings per day of non-fat dairy foods.

“ This should be the easiest decision of your life. You have nothing to lose, and everything to gain. Let's get started. 100% Guaranteed ”

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Thursday, September 27, 2012

All About Nutmeg and Nutmeg Oil!

All About Nutmeg and Nutmeg Oil!
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Nutmeg and nutmeg oil have a variety of health benefits for the body, inside and out! The Myristica fragrans is an evergreen tree that grows tropical fruit. Inside this fruit is an egg shaped seed, nutmeg, with a dried reddish covering called mace. Nutmeg is usually used in ground, powdered or grated form. Nutmeg oil is often used as its replacement.

All About Nutmeg and Nutmeg Oil!

Nutmeg oil is a volatile essential oil with a colorless to light yellow tint and thin consistency. It's sharp, spicy, woody aroma is invigorating. It's found in a variety of commercial and homemade products: soaps, lotions, creams, candles, cosmetics, hair dyes, toothpaste, mouthwash and more.


Nutmeg has antioxidants benefits! Get rid of toxins! The body builds up toxins, over time, for a variety of reasons including: diet, stress, pollutants and medications. Prevent and dissolve kidney stones! Nutmeg is, especially, helpful by cleaning the liver and kidney of toxins.

Are you hungry? Boost your appetite by using nutmeg as a spice in tasty dishes or beverages. Use in potatoes, soups, sauces, eggnog, apple cider, syrups, in baled goods or as an addition to vegetables.

Get rid of bad breath! Nutmeg has antiseptic properties to eliminate bacteria causing bad breath. It's found in toothpaste and mouthwash. Additionally, it has analgesic, (pain killing), properties. It's often used to ease toothaches or gum ailments.

Do you suffer with insomnia? Use nutmeg as a sleep aid. Mix a pinch of nutmeg into a cup of milk to induce relaxation and sleep. You can begin having that restful night you so deserve.


Nutmeg is not, generally, recommended for skin care but it does have its benefits and is still used a variety of ways. It's antiseptic, anti-bacterial, anti-inflammatory and analgesic, all with antioxidants! Get rid of blackheads, reduce fine lines and wrinkles, fade acne scars, reduce swelling and inflammation, ease painful muscles and joints! When nutmeg oil is used in soaps, creams, lotions, or scrubs it can help to improve the appearance of skin while offering pain relief.

CAUTION! Nutmeg or nutmeg oil can skin irritating for some, especially those with sensitive skin. Adverse reactions of allergies, contact dermatitis and asthma have been reported. Avoid using if you have nut allergies. Avoid using if you're pregnant. Never use in large doses since toxic symptoms, like nausea or tachycardia can occur. Those with psychiatric condition should avoid excessive use. Nutmeg has been known for its psychoactive properties of producing fear, anxiety and hallucinations, however there is still some lacking evidence in these clinical studies.


Nutmeg essential oil is used for making homemade soap. It doesn't take much, only a drop or two in your homemade soap recipe. This oil blends well with other essential oils including: lavender, rosemary, orange, black pepper, clary sage, eucalyptus, geranium, ginger, yiang yiang or other spice oils. This homemade soap will have invigorating properties with a touch of spicy, woody, tones.

CAUTION! Essential oils contain bioactive ingredients. This means they contain natural chemicals that interact with biological systems. They're potent chemicals and should be used with care! Never use large amounts of essential oils externally, or internally. Never use them straight. They must always be diluted in carrier oil, or soap, lotion, or other buffering agent. Finally, never use them without knowing what their bioactive compounds are known to do.

“ This should be the easiest decision of your life. You have nothing to lose, and everything to gain. Let's get started. 100% Guaranteed ”

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Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Protein Breakfast Solutions - 2 Dangerous Culprits That Cause Belly Fat and 2 Steps to Lose It

Protein Breakfast Solutions - 2 Dangerous Culprits That Cause Belly Fat and 2 Steps to Lose It
Muscle Milk Ingredients :

Feeling fat? Clothes getting snug around the belly? Tummy looking a little, well, flabby? Yes, belly fat is a problem! Or maybe you have belly fat on the brain because you care about your health? Because in addition to your lean, svelte figure, your overall well being (especially heart health) can be put in jeopardy by belly fat and the culprits that lead to it.

Protein Breakfast Solutions - 2 Dangerous Culprits That Cause Belly Fat and 2 Steps to Lose It

Stop the Over-Carbing and Insulin and Lose the Belly Fat Using Natural Protein

One of the leading culprits behind belly fat is insulin released into your body because of a blood sugar rush caused by over-carbing. The other culprits include genetic predisposition, age, menopausal hormones, and pregnancy hormones. What about drinking too much beer or eating too much junk food? Yes, these are bad guy culprits because they cause over-carbing! Luckily, nutrition is on your side because if you eliminate the poor eating habits that lead to over-carbing and excess insulin, you can lessen or even stop the effects of the other belly fat culprits and get rid of that tubular tummy.

Here are the basics:

  • The carbs. You need glucose from carbs to fuel your body and brain. But if you eat processed carbs or too many carbs or don't eat natural protein and fats with our carbs, your blood sugar spikes.
  • The insulin. When blood sugar spikes, the body releases insulin to get rid of the glucose.
  • The results. Excess insulin makes your blood sugar drop and you're suddenly starving. This results in hunger and cravings, mental fog, low energy, sluggishness, moodiness, and stress. Everything becomes secondary to food, making you want to pig out.
  • The bottom line. You need to keep blood sugar stable to keep excess insulin out of your blood.

How to Burn the Belly Fat with an All-Natural Protein Powder Plan

There's no quick belly fat fix. Fad diets, especially low carb diets, just make it worse. And exercising your abs won't reduce fat because the exercises just build muscle. The best thing to do is to keep your metabolism fast and your blood sugar stable so you can beat belly fat for the long haul. Here's how:

1. Eat the right amount of lean protein, unprocessed "good" carbs and healthy fats at every meal to keep blood sugar stable. Use the "Fist, Thumb, Fist" trick at every meal to get rid of belly fat: eat a fist-sized portion of lean protein (like natural protein powder), a thumb-size portion of healthy fats (like omega oil), and a fist-size portion of good carbs (like fresh fruit or green drinks). The good carbs fuel your body with glucose and the natural protein and fats make sure the glucose is time-released into your bloodstream.

Here's why you want stable blood sugar:

  • Fat burning rather than storing
  • A well-fed brain so you can think quickly and clearly
  • More stable emotions
  • More energy
  • An immune system boost
  • No more sugar and carb cravings and therefore no need to compulsively overeat

2. Start with a natural protein powder shake for breakfast every day. A pure protein powder shake is an easy way to satisfy the perfect "Fist, Thumb, Fist" ratio and speed up your metabolism right off the bat.

Here's our favorite recipe. You can mix it up with different flavors of powder and with various fresh fruits.
The LEANegizer:
Add the following ingredients to a blender and mix to desired smoothness:
Healthy Liquid - 16 oz pure water, skim milk or almond milk
Lean Protein - 2-3 scoops vanilla natural protein powder
Healthy Fats - 1/4 cup raw almonds
Unprocessed Carbs - 1 tablespoon green drink powder; 1/2 - 1 chopped green apple
Chill Factor - Ice

Remember the Good News: Almost all people will lose belly fat before other fat. This is because the fat tucked in your tummy is more metabolically active than the fat that's right under your skin. So start with these two action items and enjoy the results.

Ready to burn belly fat?...

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Tuesday, September 25, 2012

How to Get Your Nails to Grow Faster

How to Get Your Nails to Grow Faster
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Congratulations! You've stopped biting your nails, and you need to get your nails to grow faster. This is completely understandable; while quitting biting your nails is the most important thing to do in the long-term, in the short-term, you want your nails looking as beautiful as possible.

How to Get Your Nails to Grow Faster

Thankfully, you are not alone, and as necessity is the mother of invention, many possible solutions have been discovered for accelerating nail growth, but more importantly strengthening the nail to prevent excessive wear and tear. Some of the most ridiculous solutions actually help significantly. Many vitamins and a few minerals are also vital in creating the keratin your nails are made of. Plus, if you aren't the kind of person that likes to take vitamins, there are some nail care steps you can follow to prevent nail damage which will send you back to square one.

Vitamin D, a fat-soluble vitamin (fat-soluble meaning that it stays in your body for a few days), is a vitamin found in sunlight, and certain fats. One of its many functions is to help the small intestine break down calcium, and help increase calcium's effectiveness. While vitamin D does not itself help nails, calcium is one of the best vitamins to help your nails to grow faster after a life time of nail chewing.

Calcium, which, as most people know, is found in whole milk, is the reason why soaking your hands in milk actually works. While it may sound like an old wives' tale, the calcium is absorbed fairly effectively through the skin, and because keratin is almost two-thirds water, it can absorb the water from the milk to also increase its growth and strength.

Some standard grooming tips will help your nails grow longer and stronger than ever before. First off, don't bite off your hang nails. It's both a health issue, as saliva will infect them pretty quickly, and it also weakens the base around the nail, preventing it from gaining a hold in the finger. Second, don't trim the sides of your nails too much, as it also weakens the nail, allowing it to crack or break. Some nail polishes claim to strengthen nails, which also is useful in promoting healthy nail growth. Colored nail strengtheners may be fine for feminine use, but most men look for a clear matte finish. The matte finish appears more like a natural nail surface. Do consider polish ingredients to minimize exposure to acetone and formaldehyde.

One very popular myth is that gelatin is a nail-building food. Eating gelatin, taking gelatin capsules or drinking gelatin has not been shown to strengthen finger nails. Nails are composed of protein, called keratin which is also found in hair follicles, with a high sulfur content. Possibly this almost-myth started from advertising that tied horse hoofs to gelatin to fingernails. Proteins that are eaten are broken down by your body's digestive system into amino acids. These amino acids are used to repair and build DNA, RNA, muscles, bones, organs and any other protein structures, including nails and hair. Unless you have a severe protein deficiency eating gelatin simply provides excess protein which is stored in the body as fat.

Regardless of what you do to grow your nails back, even if you do nothing, it's important to know that they will grow back. It takes roughly 3 months to completely grow back a nail, so just be patient!

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Bulking for Hard-Gainers

Bulking for Hard-Gainers
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Everyone has a body that is just a little bit different, and everyone is unique in some way. To one person, what may be a huge and filling meal could seem like just a small snack to the next; something that hard gainers are all too familiar with. If you're a hard gainer then chances are you have no problem at all cutting down to a nice cut physique, but bulking on the other hand turns into a real chore. However, with the right knowledge you can make bulking not only possible, but actually enjoyable. With that in mind, we are going to review some tips to help those that have a hard time gaining weight put on some weight.

Bulking for Hard-Gainers

By now you should be well aware of the fact that a caloric surplus means that you are going to be putting on weight, and a caloric deficit means that you are going to be losing weight. With that in mind, all you need to do is find out what your maintenance is and then eat more (in terms of calories) than that specific figure. So then, calorie dense foods are clearly going to be a hard gainer's best friend, which is why you should always be stocked up on milk. Milk is heavy in calories, so enough of it should make reaching your maintenance for the day a piece of cake. On top of that it is an excellent source of protein, yet another thing hard gainers are going to want to be looking out for.

Of course you are going to need a lot more in your diet than just glass of milk after glass of milk. Foods like ground beef are not just a great source of protein, but you will also get a lot of calories from them as well. However, the problem with hard gainers often lies in not just finding foods with high calorie content, but with getting the appetite to eat all of this food. When you get full after just a small peanut butter and jelly sandwich, it can be difficult to bulk on more than 4,000 calories. This is where something like vitamin B12 comes in. Some people may be familiar with Vitamin B12 as it is the chief ingredient of those small energy shot drinks like 5 hour energy. It is also a great way to give your appetite a little kick start, along with a boost to your metabolism. You can either get the B12 from these drinks or you can find them in tablets (which is the preferred method, as it is much more affordable).

If you have a caloric surplus with your diet and you are getting in enough protein, then you will soon start to see the results that you are looking for. And with the tips that have been covered in this article, you should have no problem being on your way to a bigger and better physique, which is what bulking is all about!

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Monday, September 24, 2012

The Power of Protein Powder Supplements

The Power of Protein Powder Supplements
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Protein is so crucial in sustaining body functions and building muscles because it repairs new cells that produce badly-needed enzymes and hormones. They provide the body with calories and essential amino acids. Protein comes from meat, fish, eggs, milk, cheese, vegetables, cereals, legumes, and fruits. It does not build up in the body and therefore should be provided at regular intervals during the day. Athletes and bodybuilders in particular require a higher volume of this source of nourishment so supplements are suggested two or three times a day. If these musclemen do not consume this nutrient in sufficient quantity from normal foods or supplements then they will not be capable of building any muscles at all.

The Power of Protein Powder Supplements

With protein powder that can come in the form of shakes, you can be assured of a faster absorption process for post-workout requirements, better digestion and a constant flow of amino acids. Including this supplement in your diet will prove to be beneficial to the body. However, it is necessary to distinguish between mass gainers that include macro-nutrients such as protein, carbohydrates and fats and the real thing. Many weightlifters make the mistake of purchasing this stuff and consuming more than what they need which makes them gain excess calories and fats. The ideal formula that they must always remember is 1.5 grams of low fat, 1.5 grams of low carbohydrates and 20 to 30 servings of high protein.

The quality of a protein powder is far more valuable than the quantity so make sure to go over the label carefully to make sure that it does not contain more than seven basic ingredients. The principal guideline is to take the Concentrates which are a good source of this sustenance and absorbed at a moderate pace, the Isolate category which should be taken after workouts to provide amino acids to the muscles and the Casein, which provides for a longer digestion period. It is used by body builders as a final meal to ensure the flow of amino substances while they are asleep. If you are looking for the strongest formula to make the most of your full growth potential, then the best way is to use a mixture that will provide a full spectrum of protein and create an anabolism or metabolic processes at the cellular level. You can even mix protein powder into other dishes such as oatmeal to increase content and enhance the flavor.

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Nutrient Timing - When to Eat is Just As Important As What to Eat!

Nutrient Timing - When to Eat is Just As Important As What to Eat!
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**Side note: For this article, I will use the term 'workout(s)' to mean 'performance training workouts that last no longer than 1 hour' (but many of the same principles can be used for practices and even games). Another article will be written later that will be more specific to nutrient timing around different sporting events and practices.

Nutrient Timing - When to Eat is Just As Important As What to Eat!

Fuel for the Workout (Pre-workout) (30-35 min)

Without going into too much detail (remember, there are large books written on this subject and I'm trying to sum it up in less than a page!), I want to say that your pre-workout consumption should be limited to carbohydrates, but may contain some protein. Recent studies in the International Journal of Sports Nutrition (IJSN) showed that there was no realized advantage of adding protein to a pre-workout shake. I recommend having a carbohydrate (CHO) drink or water (depending on the timing of your last meal) within 30-45 min. of your workout. Typically .8-1.2 grams of CHO per kilogram of bodyweight is a suitable range for consumption. No matter what intensity the workout, the body still uses sugar (glycogen) stored in both the muscles and liver as its first fuel source. If there is insufficient levels of sugar stores in the body, it will break down whatever is available and convert it into sugar for fuel. Often, with lean athletes, the body will break down muscle tissue for fuel-this is NOT desirable. So, make sure you have some CHOs in your system. A good drink source that I've found (that is reasonably priced) is Carbo Force by American Bodybuilding. It is high in CHO content, but not in sugars, so it won't have any detrimental effect to your workout. This drink contains enough CHO that you can consume about half of the drink before your workout and still have half left for your post workout CHOs.

Hydrate for Performance (during the workout)

Research has shown that the best source of hydration during a workout is water. If energy is an issue, it is OK to consume a light CHO beverage such as sipping on Carbo Force, or a little watered down fruit juice. If you would like to start preparing the body to rebuild and repair muscle tissue after your workout, you may want to try a water beverage infused with branched chain amino acids (BCAA's). An example of this is Aqua Force by American Bodybuilding, and I'm sure there are a few additional products on the market that are similar. Preferably though, as a result of current research, you should stick with water or BCAA infused water during your workout.

Ingredients to Repair, Rebuild, Regenerate (Post-workout) (30 min)

After your workout, it is imperative to begin by replacing the fuel sources that you depleted. This would mean you need to replace the sugars in your system. A medium-to-quick absorbing CHO would be optimal here. Examples would be Gatorade, Accelerade, or the remainder of your Carbo Force. It is also important to consume proteins to supply the body with the necessary amino acids to begin to repair the muscle tissue that was broken down during your workout. Proteins that I have found work very well are Muscle Milk (by Cytosport), and Pure Pro (by American Bodybuilding. (There are many proteins on the market, but many of them have 'cheaper' forms of protein that aren't optimal for muscle tissue repair. If you have a question about a specific product, let me know)).You have a 'window' of 30 minutes to get the CHOs and proteins supplied to your system. If you wait too long, your body will first find another way to replace the sugars (by breaking down other tissues), then it may even neglect to fully repair and rebuild the damaged muscle tissue. Many expert sports nutritionists also recommend consuming a well balanced meal within 1.5 hours after your workout. This further enhances the recovery stage and helps ensure the body has the necessary nutrients to adapt and repair itself.

The bottom line is that in order to get the most out of your workouts, in addition to eating a well balanced diet throughout the day, you need to plan to consume CHOs and proteins around your workout schedule, followed by a nutrient rich balanced meal.

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Sunday, September 23, 2012

Milk: The Weight Loss Drug

Milk: The Weight Loss Drug
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Lose Weight - Grab A Glass

Milk: The Weight Loss Drug

In childhood, we heard it: Drink a glass of milk at every
meal. Now TV commercials are touting the weight-loss
effects of milk and other dairy products. Can dairy
actually keep weight under control? How is that even

Michael Zemel, PhD, director of the Nutrition Institute at
the University of Tennessee at Knoxville, has published
numerous papers on this subject. He outlines his latest
research in the January 2003 Journal of Nutrition, mouse
studies showing the role of calcium in weight gain and fat

Too many people drop dairy from their diets when they try to
lose weight, he says. "They're shooting themselves in the
foot when they do that. Dairy products contain literally
hundreds of compounds that all have a positive effect on
human health and enhance the fat-burning machinery," he

Milk The Why & How

"When we cut dairy products, we send the body a signal, to
make more fat," says Zemel. "When your body is deprived of
calcium, it begins conserving calcium. That mechanism prompts
your body to produce higher levels of a hormone called
calcitriol, and that triggers an increased production of fat

High levels of calcitriol "tell" fat cells to store
themselves in the body, he says. This increase in calcitriol
also "tells" fat cells to expand, he says. "So you're
getting bigger, fatter fat cells. And a lot of big, fat
cells makes for a big, fat person."

Extra calcium in your diet suppresses this hormone, he says.
Your body breaks down more fat, and fat cells become leaner,
trimmer. A high-dairy diet can boost weight loss by about

But wait, there's more. "It turns out that milk, cheese, and
yogurt are much more effective than calcium supplements or
calcium-fortified foods," Zemel says. Why? Dairy products
are a complex collection of compounds. Like phytochemicals
found in fruits and vegetables, there's more than vitamins
and minerals in dairy products. "They are not classically
nutrients, but are recognized as having beneficial effects."

Fat Calories Still Count, But Calcium Will Change Your Body

Dairy isn't a weight-loss miracle, says Zemel. Calories
still count. But even if you don't restrict calories, taking
in more calcium will change your body composition. You're
shifting calories from fat to lean body mass. "On the
scales, you may not see a change. But we've seen a loss of
body fat," he says.

"We need to think of milk as more than a calcium-delivery
vehicle," he says. "It's more than just calcium. It's
high-quality protein, a collection of amino acids that
provides positive effects on skeleton, muscle, and fat."

Zemel's research holds water, says Lara Hassan, MS, a
nutritionist with the Cooper Clinic in Dallas. Indeed,
"studies are showing that high calcium increases fat
oxidation or fat burning, and that results in greater fat
loss, and weight loss if it's a reduced-calorie diet.".

She cites one study in which obese men consumed two cups of
low-fat yogurt a day, and made no other changes in their
diet. They lost an average of 11 pounds over the course of a

Water Heavy Foods Tell Your Brain You're Full

Tomato juice, tomato soup, vegetable soup, water-heavy foods
like these seem to trigger receptors in the stomach that
tell the brain you're sufficiently fed, says Barbara Rolls,
PhD, a professor at Pennsylvania State University and author
of The Volumetrics Weight-Control Plan: Feel Full on Fewer

In fact, satiety, that "I'm full" feeling, is the secret
ingredient to weight management. "People don't like to deny
themselves. They feel a sense of failure when they deprive

Broth, soups, and juices, along with whole fruits,
vegetables, and grains, are high in fiber and water content,
and low in fat and calories. "If you have soup before a
meal, it helps control hunger and you eat less," Rolls says.
"Low-calorie soup takes the edge off your hunger." Just be
careful not to eat rich, cream-based soups, they could add
calories to your diet, she says.

When You Add Water Rich Foods, You Add Volume But Few

How it works: Water dilutes the calories in food. You can
then eat more for the same calories. When you add
water-rich blueberries to your breakfast cereal, or
water-rich eggplant to your lasagna, you add food volume
but few calories, Rolls explains.

Grapes have more water content than raisins. For a
100-calorie snack, you can eat more grapes than raisins.
It's just that simple.

Fat Has Less Water Than Any Food

Fat has less water than any food element at 9 calories per
gram, alcohol is next at 7, followed by protein and
carbohydrates each at 4, Rolls says.

Want More Examples?

Consider the difference between chocolate milk and a milk
chocolate bar. A 1 1/2 ounce milk chocolate bar has 230
calories, while an 8-ounce glass of chocolate milk made
with whole milk has 250 calories. For about the same
calories, you get a portion that is five times bigger
than the chocolate bar.

Add more vegetables, and less pasta and fat, to a pasta
dish, and you get more food volume. You see the difference,
and feel satisfied when you eat it, she says.

Obese people eat more low-water foods than normal-weight
people, big portions of meats, full-fat milk and cheese,
fried eggs, high-fat desserts, one study shows. They also
ate few high-water foods like salads, fruits, skim milk.

Psychological satisfaction is powerful, she says. "We're
talking about dietary changes that people can sustain. If
fat content is too low, it doesn't satisfy your hunger. If
you don't enjoy foods, you are not in the long run going to
sustain the eating pattern. That's where people go wrong,
they go too extreme, so they're on the same old dieting
roller coaster."

Make The Weight Loss Switch

Rolls' theories are right on
the money, says Hassan. "There's a lot of research to back
this up. Foods with high water content take longer to eat,
and they generally leave people feeling fuller. People feel
better when their plate is full and their stomach is full."

Her advice:

Drink two glasses of water or other non-calorie beverage
before a meal.

At a restaurant, either eat a small salad or broth-based

At home, fill up half the plate with vegetables, one-fourth
with a starch, and one-fourth with protein -- so the
dominant part is vegetables. If you want seconds, veggies
would be the choice.

Before going to a restaurant, eat a high-volume, low-calorie
snack, fat-free milk, a piece of fruit, a cup of light
yogurt. "You won't be famished, so you won't eat a whole
basket of chips or bread."

If you get the evening munchies, drink bouillon, hot tea,
or light cocoa, or have two cups strawberries with light
cool whip. "It's a great dessert and only 100 calories,"
Hassan says.

Tea is calorie-free, has less caffeine than coffee, and
is a great source of antioxidants. However, tea won't
do much to help weight loss, Hassan tells WebMD. "Sip
tea to get full, but I would never tell someone it would
boost metabolism."

The bottom line for weight loss, follow a reduced-calorie,
healthy eating plan, get regular exercise, and do weight
training to increase lean body mass and speed up metabolism,
she says.

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Five Steps For Reversing Cholesterol Buildup in the Arteries

Five Steps For Reversing Cholesterol Buildup in the Arteries
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When a person has cholesterol buildup in the arteries it is a lot like driving your car with the parking brake on. You will not be able to go as fast and eventually either your brakes or your engine will stop working. While maybe not the best analogy, the bottom line is that when there is a cholesterol buildup in the arteries your heart must pump harder to accomplish the same amount of work.

Five Steps For Reversing Cholesterol Buildup in the Arteries

On a average day your heart must beats an astounding 100,000 times sending 1,800 of blood racing through 60,000 miles of blood vessels. Not an easy task even on a good day. But when cholesterol buildup in the arteries occurs all of the sudden the natural balance of things is upset causing your heart muscle to be put under constant duress.

If we knew for sure the cholesterol buildup in the arteries would not get worse it is possible the body could find a way to offset the heart blood flow imbalance. Nevertheless, without some action on your part the chances are pretty good that a minor cholesterol buildup in arteries will continue to grow until it starts to impact almost every facet of everyday life.

A cholesterol buildup in arteries is know a plaque. Plaque consists of cholesterol, fibrous tissue, dead cells, and calcium. As arterial plaque grows, and matures, it hardens. The ensuing condition is known as atherosclerosis. This dangerous condition accounts for nearly three out of every four deaths from heart disease.

Five steps for reversing cholesterol buildup in arteries

Cholesterol buildup in the arteries can start as early as the age of 3 which likely means most (if not all) or us have at least some cholesterol lodged on the interior lining of our arteries. So in order to scrub our arteries clean we will need to take steps to both reduce cholesterol and saturated fat in our diets and do our best to prevent future deposits from forming. Here are a few ideas starting with the one that is most often overlooked.

*Neutralize blood homocysteine levels: Homocysteines are hostile amino acids produced by the body during the digestion of the proteins. The current theory is homocysteine amino acids chew up cells in the lining of the blood vessels, trigger blood clots, or produce debris that that blocks the arteries. A diet rich in folic acid, vitamin B6, and vitamin B12 is suggested to minimize cholesterol buildup in the arteries as a result of homocysteine amino acids.

*Reduce saturated fat intake to less than 16 milligrams per day: Saturated fat raises blood cholesterol faster than any other type of fat and is primarily found in meat and full fat dairy products. A simple solution is to reduce the amount of meat and full fat dairy products (butter, milk, cheese) substituting fruits and vegetables instead.

*Don't slip in inactivity: Exercise increases good cholesterol (HDL), decreases bad cholesterol (LDL), and keeps our heart strong. The AMA suggests thirty minutes of doctor approved exercise daily, though even ten minutes will help.

*Eat more soluble fiber: Soluble fiber foods (oatmeal, oat bran, whole grain, apples, orange pulp) bind with cholesterol in the intestines and gets rid of it before it has a chance to cause cholesterol buildup in arteries.

*A natural cholesterol reduction supplement could help: Sometimes you may need that little bit of extra protection to keep cholesterol buildup in arteries from occurring, especially when you simply can't say no to burgers, fries, cheese, and dogs over the holiday weekend. Most natural cholesterol reduction supplements are considered to be affordable and very safe, containing natural ingredients such as plant sterols and policosanol.

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Saturday, September 22, 2012

Some Sweet New Facts About Sugar and Crohn's Disease That Will Surprise You!

Some Sweet New Facts About Sugar and Crohn's Disease That Will Surprise You!
Muscle Milk Ingredients :

Much of what you hear these days about Sugar is that it is public enemy number one, as it relates to our health. The media in our country on a continuous basis likes to beat the drum over and over again about how bad sugar is for us and our children, because it makes us fat, and is unhealthy for us to eat overall. Some so-called experts even suggest sugar should be removed from our diets, recommending that popular restaurants like McDonald's be mandated to replace their milk shakes with apples and carrots. With that being said, just how much do we all know about sugars really, and are these people justified in making such a broad sweeping claim about them?

Some Sweet New Facts About Sugar and Crohn's Disease That Will Surprise You!

I found out that there are many different kinds of alternative sugars available for sugar lovers, good sugars that are completely harmless to Crohn's, Colitis and IBS sufferers. Not only are many sugars harmless, but have been found to be actually beneficial for us to consume, containing valuable healing properties in them, vital for our good digestive health! Not only are these sugars harmless for our bodies, but they actually possess healing properties in them as well!

True, the bad sugars, like so-called "table sugar" containing corn syrup, are really bad for all of us, and should be avoided at all costs, especially if you're a Crohn's, Colitis, or IBS sufferer. This is especially true if you take steroids for your condition. If you are taking steroids and have a diet that is high in sugar, you are setting yourself up for serious problems. Corn syrup based sugar is one of the most toxic foods on the digestive lining and pretty much intolerable by all those who suffer with digestive disorders. The most deceiving part of sugar, is that it does not cause pain or bowel obstructions like nuts or a high fiber food do. Consequently, many people don't link sugar consumption to their stomach flare-ups, and as a result, continue to suffer out of not knowing the truth.

So, why is Sugar so bad for Crohn's and like diseases? Sugar totally strips the intestines of its healthy bacteria and replaces it with an overgrowth of bad bacteria, which leads to a condition known as Candida. Sugar consumption also leads to a serious PH imbalance in the body making it harder for us to heal from a recent flare up. The side effects sugar has on the gut, is that it causes gas, bloating, diarrhea, even mouth ulcers (even in those without digestive problems). To make matters worse, Sugar obviously is addictive (just ask millions), and a hard habit to break. It can be especially difficult to wean children and teens with Crohn's off sugar because they are seeing their peers eating it all the time with no similar side effects. In addition to stay away from table sugar, even the imitation sugars, like NutraSweet and sorbital should be avoided as they are proven to upset the digestion of almost everyone, even those without Crohn's. Alcohol behaves like sugar too, when in the body and should be consumed only in moderation, if not at all, depending on the seriousness of your digestive condition.

So, what are the good sugar alternatives available for Crohn's sufferers and what are their positive effects on your body? These kinds of sugars are found naturally in fruits, and vegetables, even honey. Though honey can cause allergy reaction in some, and trigger attacks in people with ADD/ADHD, it is harmless on most people and healthy to consume. Honey is actually much easier to digest than common sugar, can promote wound healing, kill bacteria, sooth digestive upset and even decrease allergy symptoms. The sugar found in the fruit called the wolfberry contain complex sugars called polysaccharides or complex sugars, clinically shown to help to support your pancreas, boost immunity, build and tone muscle, and actually help you loose weight! In addition, this fruit boosts your metabolism, causing it to strengthen the immune system, causing bettor and faster healing from the Crohn's induced flare-ups you have. The Sugar polysaccharides provide have actually been proven break down tumors, and combat free radicals in the body. These are the toxins we ingest from polluted air, pesticides and carbon monoxide gases from gasoline and diesel powered vehicles to site a few.

Another alternative healthy sugar that you can use in your Crohn's Disease Diet, which also does not have the bad affects traditional table sugar has on your health, is Xylitol. Like the Polysaccharides found in the Wolfberry, Xylitol too is completely natural, coming from fibrous vegetables and fruit, as well as corn cobs and various hardwood trees like birch. Actually, Xylitol amounts are actually produced naturally in our bodies...up to 15 grams daily. It occurs daily as the natural glucose metabolism of man and animals as well as several plants and micro-organisms. While, Corn Syrup derived sugar wreaks havoc on the digestive system, Xylitol actually helps heal and repair it. It does this by building up our immune system, enabling it to bettor protect us against the chronic degenerative diseases we suffer from like Crohn's, Colitis or IBS. Xylitol is considered a five-carbon sugar, which means it is an antimicrobial, preventing the growth of bacteria. It actually makes the cell walls of our digestive system slippery, to viruses and germs, allowing them to slip right through and be washed away. Xylitol also has no known toxic levels. Xylitol has even been credited with helping slow the aging process! But most of all, amazingly Xylitol tastes and looks exactly like sugar and leave no unpleasant aftertaste! It is available in many forms. In its crystalline form, it can replace sugar in cooking, baking or as a sweetener for beverages. It is also included as an ingredient in chewing gum, mints and nasal spray. It was actually approved by the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) way back in 1963.

One other good sugar on the list is called Acetylglucosamine. A more commonly heard name for this saccharide is glucosamine, found in supplements to alleviate symptoms of joint and muscle aches associated with arthritis. Arthritis is a by-product of many who suffer Crohn's. Glucosamine actually repairs cartilage and reduces swelling in joints. This is just another sugar that defies the critics claim that we should eliminate sugar from our diets.

So, though there are sugars (processed sugars) that we truly should stay away from as Crohn's sufferers, there is an abundance of sugars, natural sugars, some of which have not been included in this article, that we would be foolish not to educate ourselves on, especially with the great access we have to the internet now-a-days. We truly are able to have our cake and eat it too (pardon the pun), by getting all the benefits from good sugar, namely the good taste, but still not have to be guilty over a food that we suspect is bad for our Crohn's disease.

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Why High Protein Shakes Benefit Bodybuilding Programs

Why High Protein Shakes Benefit Bodybuilding Programs
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All bodybuilders, athletes and fitness enthusiasts that want to improve their stamina and performance and keep their body in great shape throughout training season need to adhere to a quality nutrition program. High protein shakes are a necessary addition to the average training nutrition program because they are easily digested and can help with the muscle repair and recovery process almost instantaneously.

Why High Protein Shakes Benefit Bodybuilding Programs

There are dozens of different types of protein shakes, powders and supplements available, and most athletes consume supplements made with whey or soy proteins. Other options for high protein shakes and supplements include rice protein powder, and protein supplements that contain creatine and other muscle-enhancing ingredients. Mauro G. Di Pasquale, author of the book "Amino Acids and Proteins for the Athlete" points out that studies have shown how whey and whey protein possess special properties not found in milk proteins.

High protein shakes can be made at home with protein powders, fruit, yogurt, oatmeal and sweeteners and consumed as a meal or as a snack between meals. They are also available in ready-to-drink formulas from a number of supplement companies, and these are convenient for individuals who are always on the go and do not have time to make their own shakes or prepare foods at home.

High protein shakes contain a number of essential amino acids, vitamins and minerals, and many are 'complete meals' and can be substituted for food. Ready to drink shakes may be nutritionally balanced and the perfect addition to a low-carb diet. Since many bodybuilders and athletes adhere to these types of diets, consuming high protein shakes at regular intervals throughout the day can help them meet their daily nutrition requirements and ensure that the calories are coming from a healthy source.

Whey protein and other types of protein supplements can also provide a steady source of energy and improve overall metabolic functioning. High protein shakes made with fresh fruit, juices and oatmeal are chock full of nutrients, vitamins and minerals that help support a healthy metabolism and provide a boost of energy. These shakes can be consumed immediately after a workout for muscle repair, and reduce the risk of low blood sugar levels that are a common side effect of intensive workouts.

Still, one of the biggest benefits of high protein shakes is the rapid digestion and absorption rate. There are only a few foods that athletes and bodybuilders are advised to consume after an intensive workout, since the foods eaten immediately after exercise are likely to be absorbed and utilized more quickly than other times of the day. Consuming a high protein shake immediately after a workout ensures maximum absorption so that the nutrients can help with the muscle recovery process within hours. This reduces the risk of injury and can also keep the appetite under control.

Timing the consumption of high protein shakes, protein powders and supplements is essential for individuals that want to maximize muscle gains and improve metabolic efficiency overall. Consuming supplements immediately after a workout or between meals as a snack can ward off hunger pangs and ensure maximum absorption. Protein powders and shakes can complement an athlete's or bodybuilders' nutrition program so that they are consuming high quality nutrients and making the most of every calorie.

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Friday, September 21, 2012

The Numerous Benefits Of Bodybuilder Supplements

The Numerous Benefits Of Bodybuilder Supplements
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Bodybuilders and weight lifters often take bodybuilder supplements for several reasons. Dietary supplements can help a bodybuilder to curb their appetite or replace meals. They can help to promote weight loss or weight gain. Perhaps most importantly, these supplements will often help a bodybuilder to improve their athletic performance.

The Numerous Benefits Of Bodybuilder Supplements

Dietary and vitamin supplements can be found in many retailers today both in stores and online. You will often find them in stores that specialize in these types of products. They typically contain vitamins, protein, glutamine, creatine, and more. It is possible to buy a combination supplement or single ingredient supplements, depending on your needs. The packaging is usually some sort of canister and the ingredients should be clearly listed as well as the directions for how often and how much to consume.

Often times you will find protein available in a powdered form. This powder is then mixed with water, milk, or even juice to create a kind of shake. Shakes are packed with protein and they can replace a meal and make a bodybuilder feel full so that they can perform well. Many people use protein shakes to help them gain weight and to feel full even when they have not had a meal.

Supplemental shakes are popular with weight lifters, bodybuilders, and other athletes because they can be consumed immediately before or after a workout. Many feel that their performance is enhanced by doing this if taken before and also as a muscle repair if the supplement is consumed post workout and high in protein. Their body gets many of the specific nutrients that it needs at that time.

Since bodybuilders are athletes, they burn off much more than the regular person who is not engaged in this level of physical activity. Their bodies naturally require more protein because of this. It can be extremely beneficial to the muscles in the body as well.

BCAA's, or Branched chain amino acids, represent yet another ingredient the supplements industry loves. They are really great for muscles and an excess of thirty percent of muscle protein is made from them. This is a vital thing to ensure your supplemental routine has enough of.

Among the most popular, but also controversial additives is known as testosterone boosters. A product who says it contains them often has some form of natural vitamins, supposed to enhance your body's natural testosterone. It's extremely important to double check the contents of these bodybuilder supplements.

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Healthy Weight Loss With L-Carnitine

Healthy Weight Loss With L-Carnitine
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Probably the most purchased goods in the market today are foods that promote quick weight loss. There are the non-fat dairy products, zero-sugar sodas, no-cholesterol cooking oils, and drinks with L-carnitine. But among these enticing products that offers reduction of consumers' body fats, L-carnitine is perhaps the most widely accepted that truly assists in weight loss.

Healthy Weight Loss With L-Carnitine

L-carnitine is an amino acid that helps in the breakdown of calories in the body. Its primary function is to regulate fat burning by transporting the long chain of fatty acids into the cells called mitochondria. These fats cannot be burned no matter how much one exercise or diet unless they are stimulated in the mitochondria.

L-carnitine is known to be an effective body supplement for fat-loss that is why it is commonly added to health drinks or used as a main ingredient of slimming pills. Moreover, this supplement can also be found in foods like protein-rich red meat, animal products, chicken, turkey, and dairy products such as milk.

The body can also produce significant amounts of L-carnitine if properly nurtured with amino acids such as lysine and methionine, vitamins B and C, niacin, and iron. On the contrary, deficiency of these nutrients can lower carnitine levels making those unwanted fats hard to lose.

Aside from the fact that L-carnitine is a nutritional supplement that can adequately lose weight, there are other more benefits it provides such as:

- Prevents fat build up around the heart and liver

- Improves muscle strength

- Decreases muscular fatigue

- Reduces levels of triglycerides in the body

- Eases irritability and nervousness

- Increases energy though it suppresses appetite

- Helps prevent diabetes, cardiovascular disorders and liver diseases

In contrast with these benefits, lack of L-carnitine may lead to the following body failures:

- Weakness of the muscles

- Low energy levels

- Cramps

- Diabetes

- Heart Disease

- Alzheimer's Disease

- Obesity

It is in no doubt L-carnitine is efficiently beneficial to health especially in trimming down the body's figure. But remember, a nutritional supplement like L-carnitine is simply a piece of the whole puzzle to shed off extra pounds. It is still important to accompany it with balanced diet and regular exercise for an effective healthy weight loss.

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Thursday, September 20, 2012

Things To Know About Vegetables

Things To Know About Vegetables
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* The presence of many vitamins and other chemicals in it, supply the body with nutrients necessary to boost energy production within the muscle cells.

Things To Know About Vegetables

* Many vegetables, such as Broccoli, Green pepper and Spinach, are also good sources of antioxidants. This is the substance that slows down oxidation, which is a natural process that leads to cell and tissue damage.

* Don't limit yourself to familiar favorites only. Try some unusable vegetables such as Jicama, Kohlrabi, Okra, or Water-cress. You may discover new favorites that will add both interest and health benefits to your diet.

* Bruises and nicks can attract molds, which can lead to spoilage of an entire bag of vegetables.

* If you choose canned vegetables, look for those without added salt.

* There is a considerable amount of nutrients stored in the peels of some vegetables, especially, the potatoes.

* You can prepare your vegetables by steaming, stir-frying, or micro-waving.

* Avoid long exposure to higher temperatures to avoid loss of the nutrients.

* While cooking your vegetables, use as little water as possible and reserve any remnant of the water after cooking, to be added to your soups and stews.

* Frozen vegetables are low in sodium and sometimes, offer more nutrients than do less- than-peak condition fresh vegetables processed quickly after picking.

* Any reduction in sodium intake will help lose water weight and if we eat more vegetables, our sodium intake naturally lowers.


1) Choose a wide variety of salad greens, including arugula, chicory, collard, dandelion greens, kale, mustard green, spinach and watercress.

2) Look for pasta, made with vegetables, such as spinach or beets.

3) Stir-fry vegetables with tofu or just a small portion of poultry, sea-foods, or meat.

4) Order a vegetarian pizza instead of a meat-based pizza.

5) Use vegetables as a base for, or as added ingredients in place of cream or whole milk.

6) Enrich or thicken soups and sauces with cooked and pureed vegetables in place of cream or whole milk.

7) Add grated raw carrot to lean ground beef or turkey when making meat loaf or meat balls.

8) Add chopped vegetables to your spaghetti sauce.

9) Enjoy vegetables as snacks by keeping them ready to eat in the refrigerator.

10) Try some unusual vegetables such as jicana, kohlrabi, okra, or water cress. You may discover new favorites that add both interest and healthy benefits to your diet.

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Dealing With Your Thrush Naturally With Home Remedies For Thrush - Zero Cost, Permanent Solutions

Dealing With Your Thrush Naturally With Home Remedies For Thrush - Zero Cost, Permanent Solutions
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Did you know that over fifty percent of women will have to deal with some form of thrush. Whether it be occasional thrush or worse, recurring thrush. One thing is for sure, it is a very aggravating and embarrassing problem that no one wants to live with or even discuss.

Dealing With Your Thrush Naturally With Home Remedies For Thrush - Zero Cost, Permanent Solutions

So what exactly is Thrush?

A fungus called Candida is the culprit behind thrush. We all have this candida surviving harmlessly inside and outside our bodies. It likes to thrive in more moist parts of our bodies.

Can any one get thrush?

Although women are a bit more likely to get thrush, men can also have this over growth of fungus. It is also very common in infants and children.

What is the cause of thrush?

It is not the same for everyone since we all have different levels of immune strengths, different levels of healthy probiotics. Also our different levels of stress and moods. These can all cause this imbalance in our bodies and create this fungal over growth. For most folks a long bought with an anti-biotic can bring on this over growth. Foods high in sugars can also feed this bad fungus which will then over power the good fungus's that usually keeps the bad fungus in check. And, there are many other to numerous to mention in this short article.

What are some of the symptoms of thrush?

Slightly raised white patches usually on the mucous membrane in the mouth, throat and or tongue.

Beneath these membranes it may become raw and bleeding. Also a white creamy discharge from the anus and or vagina. Discomfort when urinating or engaging in sex.

Preventing thrush and/or yeast infection.

Diet is the key. A anti-fungal diet is critical to treating and preventing the intestinal fungal overgrowth of yeast. Foods with excessive amounts of sugars, refined carbohydrates and of course foods with yeast. These foods actually feed the bad fungus, giving them the nutrition they need to out grow the good fungus's in our bodies, thus developing into an over growth and becoming thrush or yeast infection.

Foods to be avoided to prevent fungal overgrowth.

Foods containing sugars such as sorbitol, lactose, fructose, maltose, mannitol, glucose. Also sugary syrups like molasses & maple syrup even honey.

Ready made sauces, canned soups, baked beans, sodas, juices, candies, ice cream, prepackaged meats, cereals, frozen foods. Worst of all, moldy cheeses like stilton, buttermilk, sour milk products and sour cream. Also whiskeys, wines, and beers.

Foods that may be eaten in moderation.

Potatoes, corn, oats, rice and wheat's. Turnips, parsnips, squashes, barley and millet and many others. Visit the site below for a complete holistic plan to permanently keep thrush and/or yeast infection at bay.

Natural anti-fungal products.

Saturated Fatty Acids, Berberine, Oregano, Garlic, Colloidal Silver, Cellulase and Plant Tannins.

Candida overgrowth (thrush/yeast infection) no matter how minor the case may be, is nothing to be ignored. When you see the evidence of thrush/yeast infection this is your body telling you that the problem is already at a heightened level on the inside of your body. Do not take any stage of Candida over-growth lightly.

So what are the right and wrong approaches to fighting candida over-growth?

The secret if that's what you want to call it is, keeping your immune system in balance. This is done with a very simple diet and exercise plan.

I not taking about eating foods that taste bad or exercising hours day. Short walks, limiting the foods that promote this over-growth and simply incorporating foods your body should have in the first place, foods with anti-fungal ingredients. Foods that strengthen your immune system.

This plan will not only fight off the Candida over-growth but also help with many other problems such as digestive disorders, allergies, muscle aches, migraines, mood swings, brain fog. You will regain vitality and energy and simply improve the quality of your life over all.

Drugs, creams and lotions are not the long-term or permanent answer. Where do you think they get the ingredients for these drugs and creams? That right, from nature. All natural elements that come from our great planet.

Listen, you have to eat anyway, right? Why not eat foods that are going to help and protect you and save yourself the thousands of dollars you're going to spend on doctor visits, drugs, creams and lotions?

Don't fight your Candida over-growth, simply prevent it permanently. That's right, I said permanently. Take a few minutes to read through the page that I've included a link to below. Discover what you're doing wrong and the simple solutions that will create a better you.

So whether you're trying to end the pain and embarrassments of your thrush/yeast infection or trying to prevent it in the first place, Take the time to read the critical information on the site below.

Here's to a better, happier You!

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