Sunday, October 7, 2012

Good Food For Building Muscle - What Foods to Eat to Build Lean Cut Muscles Bodybuilding

Good Food For Building Muscle - What Foods to Eat to Build Lean Cut Muscles Bodybuilding
Muscle Milk Ingredients :

You need to compute what percent of your diet should contain protein, carbohydrates and fats; all divided into 6 meals. There are grams of food to be determined if you want to build muscles. It takes dedication to eating good food for building muscle and if you do not eat right you will not get the results you desire.

Good Food For Building Muscle - What Foods to Eat to Build Lean Cut Muscles Bodybuilding

Protein is the body's muscle builder because it is filled with amino acids. A bodybuilder should eat one gram of protein for each pound he or she weighs. Some good food for muscle building include the following proteins: lean cuts of beef or pork, lean hamburger, skim milk, low fat cottage cheese, yogurt, kidney beans, eggs, fish and turkey. The bulk of your protein should come from animal sources. Stay clear of prepared sausages and meatballs.

With all the bad press and low carbohydrate diets, people have been loading up on more protein. Both bodybuilders and non-bodybuilders.. Carbohydrates are the next good food for building muscle. Hydrogen, oxygen and carbon compose carbohydrates and they are broken down to be called simple or complex. Carbohydrates provide glycogen which is the food for energy. Not only will you not be building muscles if you do not eat enough carbohydrates, you can have physical symptoms such ad lack energy and difficulty concentrating. You probably would not be able to do your workout. Your body is essentially hypoglycemic and will turn to you muscle tissue for functioning and you can lose muscle.

There is a measurement called the glycemic index (GI) ranges from zero to 100. Simple carbohydrates like white bread and potatoes will spike your glycemic index. Some experts have said that lower GI providing good food for building muscle because they release a steady supply of glycogen for energy. Complex carbohydrates include whole wheat bread, and oatmeal. Eating more complex carbohydrate foods will keep your GI on a level plain throughout the day

More carbohydrate good food for building muscle are broccoli, spinach and carrots, these will not change your GI. Do not forget fruits they are so good for your body. Some say fruits even increase longevity. They also increase your GI for energy. Bodybuilder's recommend eating fruit before and after your workout.

You also need a certain amount of the "good" fats to increase your energy and build mass and weight gain. Fats are good food for building muscle. Twenty percent of your diet shold come from fats. Good sources are almonds, olive oil, canola oil, sunflower oil and sunflower seeds. Sixty percent of your diet should come from carbohydrates and 20 % from protein these are the amounts of good food for muscle building. Vitamins and minerals are important ingredients in your good food for muscle building diet. A quality multivitamin made for athletes can be taken.

For bodybuilders providing good food for muscle building sounds complicated. When supplements are suggested it is even more complex. Once you practice adding grams and provide your body with a balance and variety of foods, it will become easier. Drinking water and a lot of it will help your digestion and hydration. There are calculators and simple math formulas to figure out what percentage of proteins, carbohydrates and fats you need in your diet.

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Saturday, October 6, 2012

What Is The Best Muscle Building Supplement Available Today?

What Is The Best Muscle Building Supplement Available Today?
Muscle Milk Ingredients :

What's the best muscle building supplement available today? You might not like the answer.

What Is The Best Muscle Building Supplement Available Today?

And if you don't, you might want to consider getting away from all those "steroid-like" results ads you are bombarded with in all the magazines.

If you get a chance, take a look back at all the muscle magazines from eight to ten years ago. What do you see?

I'll tell you. You see a lot of ads for "wonder" supplements, many of which were called the best muscle building supplement available at the time. Only problem is, you don't see any ads for those muscle building supplements today. Why is that?

Because they just don't work! Eventuall, consumers figure that out and the supplements stop selling. So the supplement companies come out with the latest, greatest, cutting-edge, best muscle building supplement for you to spend your hard earned money on.

There are a couple of supplements that you still see ads for today. But they aren't sexy, they aren't new, they aren't cutting edge, and they aren't "drug-like" grey area supplements. So I give two answers to the best muscle building supplement question - protein and creatine.

If you want to make outstanding muscle building progress, put together a solid weight training program, train with a high level of intensity, add poundage to your exercises as often as possible, eat six high protein meals every day, and make sure you are out of the gym often enough to recover from your workouts so that you can build the muscle you are triggering into growing.

Oh, and add the dual "best muscle building supplement" to your program - protein and creatine. Protein powders make it extremely easy and convenient to eat six meals a day and to get enough quality protein into your body.

Use Protein Shakes - This will make it easier for you to consume enough calories and protein each day, as well as making it much more convenient to have 6 meals a day.

Here's a sample weight gain drink you can make up with the best muscle building supplement and use in your muscle building diets.

100 grams of protein powder

2 quarts of whole or 2% Milk

2 cups of skim milk powder

2 cups of chocolate ice cream

4 tablespoons of peanut butter

1 banana

Mix in a blender and drink throughout the day, in addition to your regular food meals. Add or subtract ingredients based on individual taste preferences and number of calories needed.

High quality protein, aka, 'the real best muscle building supplement' should be the center point of all your meals. Intense exercise increases demand for protein, which support muscle repair and growth.

When you train with weights, you should eat a minimum of 1.5 grams of protein per pound of bodyweight. If you weight 150 pounds, try and take in at least 225 grams of protein each and every day.

I know this sounds like a lot and you could probably do okay with 1 gram of protein per pound of bodyweight. But if you find it really difficult to gain muscle, this extra protein can help.
You don't have to have carbs or fat at every meal, but you must have protein. When I say protein, I am referring to high quality protein derived from animal sources.

For getting bigger and stronger, the only protein you need to be concerned with are those found in whey, casein (cottage cheese), eggs, beef, poultry, and fish. This is the best muscle building supplement and the cornerstone of your muscle building nutrition plan.

Through in a high quality creatine product and you are good to go. As for the rest, save your money and stick with the dual stack 'best muscle building supplement' for massive muscle mass gains.

Gregg Gillies

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When To Take Whey Protein For The Best Results

When To Take Whey Protein For The Best Results
Muscle Milk Ingredients :

What Are The Best Times To Take Whey Protein To Really Pack On The Muscle?

When To Take Whey Protein For The Best Results

When it comes to taking whey protein, it makes sense to try and consume the whey protein supplement for the best results. If an aspiring weight trainer is just starting out and looking to supplement their diet with a protein supplement, it can be very confusing as to when to take whey protein for best the results.

Let me give you a personal example. When I first started weight training, way back in '86, my first protein supplement was Beverly International's protein powder. Of course, this protein supplement was not a whey based product but a cheap variation of soy protein mixed with milk proteins.

I'll be the first to say that these early protein powders mixed like cement and tasted slightly better. Anyways, I had no clue when to take this protein supplement. I basically took this protein powder once every two days. This was a complete waste of money with no benefit whatsoever.

First of all, my protein intake was very inconsistent which is not conducive to building muscle at all.

Secondly, every two days was not enough to affect my protein intake at all.

How was I supposed to know when to take a protein supplement? There was absolutely no information - No forums, no blogs, no Yahoo answers, no information sites (such as building muscle101..hehe), no internet, no nothing. If you were an aspiring weight trainer back in the mid '80's, there was not a whole lot of information to be found, let alone use.

Anyways, now I know.

Whey protein is a wonderful supplement since it contains some great muscle building properties that has one important element that most other protein sources don't have.

That is it's digestibility rate. Whey protein isolate for example (the purest form of whey protein), is one of the fastest acting protein sources today.

Once ingested, whey protein isolate can be in your system shortly thereafter.

As well as being one of the fastest acting proteins, whey protein isolate is rich in Branched Chain Amino Acids (leucine, isoleucine, and valine).

These amino acids are very important since they help prevent muscle protein breakdown during exercise and appear to preserve muscle stores of glycogen. In other words, whey protein isolate contains the muscle building properties that most weight trainers are looking for. This is very important to understand.

So, let's get back to the question: when to take whey protein?

Alright, so now you know that whey protein is 1) easily and efficiently digested, and 2) high in muscle building branched chain amino acids. All we need to know now, is when to take whey protein for the best results.

I've done some research and done a lot of personal experiments to see what works best. I've come to the conclusion that there are 3 windows of opportunity to put the power of whey protein to it's best use. Here is what I think are the best times to take whey protein:

o As soon as you wake up;

o 40 minutes prior to working out;

o Immediately after working out.

Let's take a closer look at each point for the best times to take whey protein.

1) As Soon As You Wake Up

"Get Your Body Ready For Growth!"

Upon wakening, your body is pretty much in a starvation mode. Whether you realize it or not, your body is craving for nutrients and needs these nutrients in order to kick start it's internal mechanisms to start building and working. Your body is weak and wants protein. The sooner you can get some protein into your body, the better.

Personally, I've found that a whey protein isolate drink mixed with some yogurt and orange juice works best. This is one of the more important times of when to take whey protein.

Now this is very important and one that can really boost your weight training results, OVERNIGHT! Approximately 45 minutes after you've consumed your whey protein shake, you must have a full, muscle building breakfast. By doing this, you are jump starting your bodies ability to use the protein effectively and efficiently. Believe me, if you can follow this one little tip, you will soon see your results skyrocket.

2) 40 Minutes Prior To Working Out

"Supercharge Your Workouts!"

If you have some pretty intense workouts, your going to stock up on some fast acting, high quality proteins. Whey protein contains high levels of branched amino acids which help preserve muscle stores of glycogen. This is very, very important. Since glucose is the bodies number one energy source, high muscle stores of glucose ensure high, intense workouts.

I would recommend you ingest a whey protein isolate drink mixed with some carbohydrates to supercharge your workouts.

3) Immediately After Working Out

"The REAL Secret To Building Huge Muscles!

In terms of when to take whey protein, this is the most important time to take in a fast acting protein drink. If you were to only have one protein drink per day, this is the time of day to take it. I'm going to very honest here, by simply taking a protein/carb drink right after after your workouts, you will improve your results immediately.

I strongly suggest that after your workouts, you ingest a fast acting protein source such as whey protein isolate and some fast acting carbohydrates.

Why carbohydrates and protein? When carbohydrates is taken with protein, there's a blast of insulin. Insulin kicks the body's glycogen making machine into high gear. Glycogen is considered the principal storage form of glucose and is found mainly in liver and muscle. Glucose supplies the bodies active tissues with energy.

Therefore, insulin will speed up the movement of glucose and amino acids into cells which is what you definitely want and secondly, it activates a special enzyme which is essential for glycogen synthesis.

Additional research has shown that ingesting a protein/carbohydrate supplement after exercise triggers the release of growth hormone. Great news for building muscle.

If you want to build muscle, always consume a power drink that is rich in whey protein and carbohydrates after your workout and include it in your weight training diet.

Try using the following drink for your post workout meal.

½ cup low fat yogurt

1 scoop(2oz) vanilla whey protein powder- 30 grams protein

1 tbsp honey

1 ½ cup low fat or 1% milk

1 cup orange juice

5 grams creatine monohydrate

Blend all ingredients in a blender until smooth. Includes: 590 calories, 45 grams of protein, 93 grams of carbohydrates, and 6 grams of fat.

Remember to adjust the ingredients to match that of your own nutritional needs. Now, like your breakfast, you will need to follow this up with a full muscle building meal approximately 1 hour later. I am very serious here, because if there is one element that will put you on the track to fast muscle growth, this is it. Have the above noted drink immediately after your workout, no later than 30 minutes and you MUST follow this up with a full muscle building meal 1 hour later.

There you have it. If you can manage to follow the above noted schedule, I'm 100% positive that your gains will improve almost immediately.

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Friday, October 5, 2012

Muscle Building Shakes - Delicious Breakfast Shakes

Muscle Building Shakes - Delicious Breakfast Shakes
Muscle Milk Ingredients :

For those of you who are trying to build muscle but don't have time to eat a full-blown breakfast, consider a healthy, calorie dense muscle building shake. These are chalk full of not only calories, but enough protein to supply your muscles with enough amino acids to grow and develop so you can help realize your goals.

Muscle Building Shakes - Delicious Breakfast Shakes

By setting aside the ingredients to go into the muscle building shake the night before, you can be sure it only takes you about five minutes to prepare in the morning and you can drink it on your drive to work or school.

Don't be afraid to change some of the ingredients as well to suite your own unique individual taste preferences - that's half the fun! Keep in mind too that you always want to be adding the highest calorie ingredients to maximize muscle development. Frozen fruit and frozen yogurt works well because it'll give your shakes a thick, creamy feel; something that would be comparable to an actual milkshake.

So, next time you're in a hurry in the morning, give one of these recipes a try.

Choco-Banana Shake

1 scoop chocolate protein powder

1 frozen banana

1 cup skim milk

2 tbsps peanut butter

5-10 ice cubes (depending on desired thickness)

Blend together protein powder, banana, milk and peanut butter. Once mixed at ice and crush until shake texture develops.

Tropical Treat

1 scoop strawberry or peach flavoured protein powder

1 cup pineapples

1 cup strawberries

1 cup orange juice

5 ice cubes

Blend protein powder, juice and fruit together. Add in ice cubes and continue blending.

Java Jolt

1 scoop café mocha protein powder (or alternatively chocolate or vanilla could be used)

1 cup brewed coffee (fresh)

½ cup milk or vanilla frozen yogurt

1-2 packets of sweetener

5 ice cubes

Blend together protein powder, coffee, milk and sweetener. Next crush ice into the mixture. This is a perfect replacement for an iced coffee beverage that you would typically buy at a specialty coffee house.

Cinnamon Swirl

1 scoop vanilla protein powder

1/2 cup low fat vanilla yogurt

1 cup milk

½ teaspoon cinnamon

½ tsp vanilla flavouring

2 packets sweetener

4 ice cubes

Blend all ingredients together until thoroughly mixed. Serve with sprinkled cinnamon on top.

Peanut Brittle Shake

1 scoop vanilla protein powder

1 tbsp butterscotch pudding powder

2 tbsps peanut butter

1 cup milk

4-5 ice cubes

Blend together protein powder, pudding powder and milk. Next add peanut butter and continue to mix. Finally crush the ice cubes until shake consistency is reached.

Orange Creamsicle

1 scoop vanilla protein powder

1 fresh orange (or alternatively 1 can of mandarin oranges)

1 cup orange juice

1 cup skim milk

1 tsp vanilla extract

5 cups ice cubes

Blend oranges, milk and juice together. Add in protein powder and extract. Finally crush ice into the beverage until desired thickness is reached. Serve.

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Smoothie Ingredients To Build Muscle and Boost Weight Loss

Smoothie Ingredients To Build Muscle and Boost Weight Loss
Muscle Milk Ingredients :

Smoothies are a great way to start your day or even as a snack through at your day. Additionally, smoothies can be used as a meal replacement for busy people who are on the go. The great thing about smoothies is that they are loaded with nutritious ingredients that boost brainpower, increase your energy levels, build muscle, burn fat, promote weight loss and help your heart. However, when purchasing pre-made smoothies you don't know all of the ingredients, added sugars, or extra calorie content to boost your nutritional value and get a great smoothie flavor. The best way to maintain the integrity of your smoothie is to make it yourself. Choose from this list of healthy smoothie ingredients.

Smoothie Ingredients To Build Muscle and Boost Weight Loss

Fruit - Fruits are an essential ingredient for a smoothie. You can use almost any fruit to add nutritional value, vitamins, minerals and fiber to your smoothie. Fruits contain important simple sugars such as glucose and fructose that are important for the body and easily digested. Fresh or frozen fruits are viable options for smoothie ingredients. Popular fruits used in smoothies are bananas, pineapple, strawberry, blueberries and mango.

Greens - Greens are an essential part of ones diet. That's why they should be added to any smoothie you make. Almost any vegetable can be used in a smoothie but the best are tender leafy greens. Adding greens to your smoothie will increase the number of servings of vegetables you eat per day. Vegetables provide the body with a ton of vitamins and minerals such as sodium, and potassium. Mineral salts such as these, play a role in almost every cellular function in the body. If fresh greens aren't available powdered greens, barley grass, wheat grass, spirulina (algae) will justify as another option for a serving of vegetables. However, powdered greens don't contain all of the nutrients that its fresh counterparts do.

Protein powder - Protein powder will make your smoothie more filling, especially if you are using it as a meal replacement. Protein builds muscle and burns fat. There are several types of protein powders and even more brands available on the market. The best choice is whey protein because it has a low fat content with tons of amino acids to provide the muscles with a quick release of protein. Soy protein is another good option because it contains phytoestrogens. These compounds mimic the effects of estrogen and balance out hormone levels. For a low sugar option use rice protein powder.

Tea - Tea can be used in a smoothie as a base liquid. Replace water, juice, or milk with cooled tea. Tea is rich in antioxidants, which protects the body from damaging free radicals. Green tea is a great choice, however tea comes in many flavors and brands. Some have additional benefits such as probiotics and treating different ailments.

Non-dairy milk - Milk is normally used as a base for any smoothie, however milk especially whole milk contains fat. For those looking to decrease their calorie intake choose fat free milk or a nondairy alternative. Fat free milk still contains calcium and protein to help build muscle but has no fat. Non-dairy milks include almond milk, hemp milk, rice milk, or kefir. Using a nondairy milk alternative as your smoothie base will change up the flavor, consistency, and nutrients of your smoothie. Almond milk contains magnesium, vitamin E and protein, where as rice milk doesn't naturally contain protein, most manufacturers fortify it with protein, vitamins and minerals. People who have allergies, who are lactose intolerant or allergic to soy, usually consume Rice milk. Hemp milk contains multiple vitamins and minerals such as calcium, iron, potassium, phosphorus, niacin, etc. In addition it is rich in omega 3 & 6's fatty acids, protein and is safe for people who are allergic to soy or dairy. Kefir is another alternative to milk or yogurt. Kefir is fermented milk drink made from cows, goats, or sheep milk and kefir grains, which is easier to digest than regular whole milk. Kefir contains probiotics and protein.

Flax - Flax is a great, healthy addition to your smoothie. Flax is rich in healthy fats such as omega 3's, high in protein and full in fiber. Flax seeds will add texture to your smoothie but need to be ground up before being added. Flax is also available in oil or in powder.

Nut or Seed butter - To add some healthy fat to your smoothie use a spoonful of seed or nut butter. Healthy fats are needed to absorb fat soluble vitamins A and E. Peanut butter is the most well known nut butter however there are plenty of others such as almond butter, cashew butter, hazelnut butter, pistachio butter, walnut butter, pumpkin seed butter, sesame seed butter, etc. Nut and seed butters have a high fat content so use in moderation. The contain protein, fiber, and essential fatty acids and will make your smoothie rich and creamy.

Chia - Chia seeds are used in both foods and drinks. Chia seeds thicken when added to liquids, therefore it may be necessary to grind up the seeds before adding them to your smoothie. Chia seeds are rich in omega 3 fatty acids, calcium and are a great source of fiber, all of which help to improve the nutritious value of a smoothie.

Cacao - If you are a chocolate lover but don't want the added calories, fat and sugar add cacao to your smoothie. Cacao beans are the dried and fermented seeds from which cocoa solid products and cocoa butter are extracted. Cacao known to the layman as cocoa is the basis for chocolate and will add flavor and nutrients to your smoothie. Cacao are full of flavonoids, which have antioxidant effects on the body. Add cacao powder or nibs (pieces of the bean) to your smoothie.

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Thursday, October 4, 2012

Muscle Milk Nutrition Facts

Muscle Milk Nutrition Facts
Muscle Milk Ingredients :

Muscle Milk is a nutrition supplement which is manufactured by CytoSport. It is available in both liquid and powder form. This product is mainly targeted at athletes and other sports minded people who are looking for nutrient packed supplement drink while trying to improve their fitness level. One of the claims of Cytosport is that this product can help to control hunger while allowing the user to fuel the body.

Muscle Milk Nutrition Facts

Muscle Milk as a powder or the RTD version containing 16-oz ready-to-drink liquid provides 165 to 195 calories depending on the flavor. For example chocolate contains 10 to 15 calories more per serving depending on whether the product is consumed in powder form or ready-to-drink shake. You can prepare the powder by simply mixing it with water or you can mix it with fruit, milk or other ingredients as a smoothie. Adding these extra ingredients will improve both the taste and the calorie value.

Contained, are proteins, carbohydrates, fat, minerals and other nutrients. Protein is very important for our body and an adult needs about 46-56 gm of protein per day. Some people use this product to replace their meals, but it's always best to consume a well balanced diet. Drinking this alone can potentially reduce your daily calorie intake and be convenient, but it can cause to miss out other important nutrients. As a Muscle Milk nutrition fact, it contains 25 gm proteins per serving.

Carbohydrates are also very necessary for our body to function properly. These carbohydrates include sugars which are a concern with other protein shakes. But as a muscle milk nutrition fact, it is relatively low in sugar. It contains 11 gm of carbohydrates per serving.

This product contains about 6 gm of fat but it varies. For example, chocolate muscle milk contains 2.5 gm saturated fat. Fat is actually a very important part of any kind of diet but it should come from various sources. The daily recommended fat value for adults is about 65 gm which can be easily maintained by consuming muscle milk shakes each day along with regular meals.

Also contained are some very essential minerals, vitamins and nutrients. According to the manufacturer, it contains about 35 percent of the recommended daily amount of Vitamin A, Vitamin B-6, Vitamin B-12, Vitamin C, Vitamin D, Vitamin E, riboflavin, thiamine, niacin, biotin, folate, iron, zinc, copper, magnesium and calcium. From the view of muscle milk nutrition fact, it is a really a good source of various essential elements.

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Boost Your Muscle Building Effort - 3 Types of Drinks to Gain Weight

Boost Your Muscle Building Effort - 3 Types of Drinks to Gain Weight
Muscle Milk Ingredients :

If you are looking to find out which kinds of drinks to gain weight and build muscles are the best, then you are in the right place. This article will teach you about the different kinds of drinks that are easy to prepare and can be done on your own kitchen at home. There is nothing wrong with drinking high-priced protein powders, but preparing your own drinks will allow you to have more control over the flavor as well as the caloric content of the drink.

Boost Your Muscle Building Effort - 3 Types of Drinks to Gain Weight

Protein Drinks

Although most fitness experts would recommend solid foods when it comes to consuming protein for muscle building, drinking protein rich drinks is also being recommended. Although protein drinks do not contain any ingredient that could magically transform your body to a muscular physique, it has a lot of nutrients in them, equivalent to that of a chicken. Of course, your protein drink will not be as delicious as that of a piece of chicken, but it still has the ability to deliver the same nutritional content.

When preparing your own protein drink, look for the best protein powder in the market and blend it with a 150 ml skim milk. Mix all the ingredients and pour over a blender. Blend it for a few minutes and you'll soon be able to come up with the most delicious and nutritious protein drink.

Carbohydrate Drinks

High carbohydrate enriched drinks are actually considered to be the best drinks to gain weight and increase muscle mass. But take note that not all carbohydrate enriched drinks are safe, because some can be hazardous to our health. The main benefit of drinking carbo-enriched drinks is that they boost one's energy levels, which is necessary to perform strenuous muscle building exercises.

To prepare carbohydrate enriched drinks, simply add fruits to your choice of shake. This would normally require you to blend the fruits and the shake altogether, although doing this will not allow you to control both the nutrient ratio and tailor the taste of the shake according to your specific needs. It is best to prepare your carbohydrate shake from scratch by blending a banana with your milk or be more creative by adding a combination of whatever fruits you like best.

Low Fat Milk Drinks

Since our childhood years, our parents have been telling us that milk is the most important food to drink. The protein in milk is actually eighty percent whey and twenty percent casein, and both of these nutrients are high-quality proteins and known as a "fast protein" due to its ability to quickly break down into amino acids and be absorbed to the bloodstream. Therefore, low fat milk drinks are best to be consumed right after your workout.

To get the most nutrients out of milk, while consuming only a few amount of fat and calories, always go for fat-free milk, like skim milk and low-fat milk drinks. In order to get the most out of your milk drink, always go for low fat milk such as skim milk. Try to drink a glass of milk each meal and do this more than three times each day.Now if you are a chocolate person, then you may go for low fat chocolate milk drinks for a more delicious drink with the same nutritious benefits.

So the next time you hit the gym, try to bring along any of the drinks to gain weight mentioned above. These drinks are so quick and easy to prepare and will be able to help your muscles to grow and become stronger. There are no other better ways of feeding your muscles after a strenuous workout than by drinking a glass of your favorite milk!

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Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Muscle Milk - Cytposport Muscle Protein Supplement Review

Muscle Milk - Cytposport Muscle Protein Supplement Review
Muscle Milk Ingredients :

I just finished my first tub of Cytosport's Muscle Milk protein supplement, and I'm pleasantly surprised. I've heard a lot of great things about the taste of Muscle Milk, so I decided to try the vanilla cream flavor. I'm happy to report this stuff tastes as good as it works.

Muscle Milk - Cytposport Muscle Protein Supplement Review

There are a ton of protein powders on the market and the majority have a really unpleasant taste and are quite similar - depending on user preference of taste, price, brand name, etc. In addition, there are a wide variety of protein powders targeted for different needs and goals. For example, whey protein is recommended to be taken post workout, and slow-release protein blends are preferred before bed. Whey concentrate is the least expensive form of protein and usually costs around - for a 5lb container. On the other hand, an isolate can cost around or more for just 2lbs.

Muscle Milk is a protein blend that is most effective during the day but also works well as an evening protein supplement. Cytosport suggests you take Muscle Milk post workout. I would not necessarily advise this. This is because Muscle Milk is mix of whey and casein proteins - otherwise known as Cytosport's EVOPRO formula.

What is Muscle Milk - Evopro?

As previously stated, Muscle Milk is an ideal protein to take before bed due to its blend of whey and casein protein. "EvoPro" is what Cytosport considers "Nanture's Ultimate Anabolic Protein". How so?
In addition to the whey and caseins, Muscle Milk is patterned after human mother's milk, which has considerable anabolic growth potentials.

Muscle Milk provides a unique blend of powerful ingredients.

Alpha-Lactalbumin has a protein efficiency ratio of 4.0 whereas whey and casein protein have a 3.6 and 2.9 respectively. Alpha-Lactabumin also offers higher biological value then whey and casein proteins. In addition, it contains large amounts of essential amino acids.

Bovine Colostrums - Colostrum strengthens the immune system by providing antioxidants, vitamins, minerals, enzymes, amino acids, and other growth factors. Bovine colostrums plays an important role in immunity to diseases among other important functions.

The reason why whey and casein is so effective as a nigh time protein is due to their different rates of absorption. Whey protein is digested rapidly filling your blood with amino acid However, the effect doesn't last long. Whey protein is a quick release protein. A surge in amino acid blood levels inhibits muscle breakdown and stimulates protein synthesis. It should be noted that whey protein is oxidized as much as it is used for protein synthesis. This means that some of the whey you ingest fails to contribute to muscle development.

This is remediated by taking casein protein. Casein proteins have a slower rate of digestion, thus giving it more to time to fuel muscle growth, and less into energy production. So, to recap, whey protein provides your body amino acids almost immediately, and once all the whey is digested, casein kicks in and provides an extra dose of amino to your muscles in a slow-release manner.

Muscle Milk Nutritional Content:

Serving Size (scoop) 2

Calories 348

Fat Calories 162

Total Fat (g) 18

Cholesterol (mg) 3

Sodium (mg) 200

Potassium (mg) 595

Total Carbs (g) 12

Dietary Fiber (g) 2

Sugars (g) 6

Proteins (g) 32

Muscle Milk Ingredients

EVOPRO is an amino acid matrix containing evolution-based protein and peptides engineered to closely mimic the nitrogen components and ratios found in human milk.

A closer look at the fat content of Muscle Milk and you'll see that it's quite high. There is no need for alarm since this is the intended formula of Muscle Milk. Most of the fat is made up of medium chain triglycerides (MCT) - they are more rapidly absorbed and burned as energy. MCT is also shown to increase the amount of calories burned compared to other fats.

The Taste Of Muscle Milk

One of the great things about Muscle Milk is the taste. Fortunately, Muscle Milk comes in a wide variety of delicious flavors: vanilla, strawberry, mocha joe, root beer, banana, and more. I've tried the vanilla and banana.

I was really surprised by how pleasant it tasted. In fact, it's delicious. The banana smells just like fresh bananas. I'm so used to holding my nose when I take protein supplements. Therefor, this was a great surprise. I would give it a 9/10 based on taste.

The vanilla is really good too. I'm usually not wild about vanilla but I mixed together my first shake and found it to be very satisfying.

Muscle Milk retails for for a 2-½ lb jug, but you can find muscle milk for cheaper online.

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Muscle Milk Collegiate

Muscle Milk Collegiate
Muscle Milk Ingredients :

Muscle Milk Collegiate is a nutritional shake made for athletes and body builders of college age and is designed like all Muscle Milk products, around human mother's milk. It is full of ingredients that help during the workout and in muscle recovery after the workout. It provides lean muscle growth and aids with maintenance.

Muscle Milk Collegiate

In basic terms, it's designed for college aged athletes as a source of proteins, complex carbohydrates, and fats for that particular age group and metabolism. As mentioned, its formula helps increase lean body mass by delivering oxygen to the muscles being exercised, and reduces the risk of injury from nutrient deficiency.

It is in fact the first athletic nutrition product specifically designed for collegiate athletes who notoriously skip meals or don't eat as healthy as older individuals. Ideally it should not be used as a meal replacement, but users of it regularly do so. It is a well known fact that a nutritional balanced diet that includes all the food groups is the best approach to healthy living. Muscle Milk collegiate just gives that important extra nutritional boost.

Also contained in the formula are buttermilk, natural and artificial flavorings, whey concentrates, peptides, hydrolyzed wheat protein and amino acids. The combination of quality carbohydrates, fats and proteins increases the length of long workouts and also helps muscle recovery.

There are two types of Muscle Milk Collegiate: the powder and the ready to drink type. The powder is available in various flavors. Such as, vanilla cream, chocolate milk, strawberry milkshake, cookies-n-cream and chocolate mint flavor. The ready to drink Muscle Milk Collegiate only is found in chocolate milk and vanilla cream flavor. Both types are very smooth in texture and taste just like a regular milkshake.

When should Muscle Milk collegiate be taken?

The best option is to take it before and after workouts. One serving should be taken about 45 minutes to an hour prior to training, as it provides the necessary caloric intakes required for the duration of an intense workout. Immediately after the workout, it should be consumed again as it shifts the body from the catabolic to an anabolic state to provide the necessary kick start for the recovery process.

Muscle Milk Collegiate was developed along the unique guidelines of the National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA) as a nutritional supplement and conforms to the standards set by The Committee on Competitive Safeguards and Medical Aspects of Sports. Having this level of endorsement makes it the choice product of hundreds of fitness professionals and college athletes.

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Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Muscle Milk - Why Do Pros Buy Muscle Milk?

Muscle Milk - Why Do Pros Buy Muscle Milk?
Muscle Milk Ingredients :

Muscle Milk protein has reached new heights among those who seek to build up lean muscle and lose fat. However, with just about all modern muscle building supplements, a lot of newcomers wonder if this protein is actually good for you or not and whether they should buy muscle milk.

Muscle Milk - Why Do Pros Buy Muscle Milk?

The primary reason many beginners don't buy this product is due to the apparent high amount of fat it incorporates. Unfortunately most neglect to understand that the fat content is not your everyday type of fat that is stored away in the body, it is a fast burning fat that's utilized to fuel energy to your muscles and assist in the growth of lean muscle. Almost never is this fat stored in the body.

Whenever you have an good workout routine and are aiming to put on mass and increase lean muscle, then this is the best supplement on the market and can work well as a meal replacement and especially as a before bed protein supplement. While you are sleeping, this protein has the power to repair your muscles from training and will prevent you from losing muscle while you sleep.

So is it good for you? Yes it is. It does not incorporate any harmful ingredients whatsoever and when used correctly it provides great results. Did I mention the taste? It is no secret that muscle milk is the best tasting protein ever made.

Muscle Milk comes in a variety of forms including protein powder, muscle milk 'n' oats, ready-to-go drinks and the popular muscle milk light.

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Monday, October 1, 2012

7 Easy Breakfast Recipes - Healthy Breakfast in Less Than 5 Minutes

7 Easy Breakfast Recipes - Healthy Breakfast in Less Than 5 Minutes
Muscle Milk Ingredients :

A healthy breakfast is the most important meal of the day, but many of us skip it because of time constraints. Well, now there's no more excuses!

7 Easy Breakfast Recipes - Healthy Breakfast in Less Than 5 Minutes

There are several easy breakfast recipes that you can throw together in less time than it takes you to find your keys.

Did you know that numerous studies have found that people who eat breakfast are often slimmer than those who don't? One of the main reasons is this: When you sleep, you're obviously not eating for about 8 hours (unless you have some serious sleepwalking cravings). Your body is in a fasted state, so everything slows down. But, the sooner you eat upon waking, the sooner your metabolism is kicked back into gear for the day.

However, if you skip breakfast, then your metabolism is at a near standstill for all the hours you were asleep, plus the additional hours before your first meal. This is exactly the time when fat settles in and unpacks its bags (and rolls).

And to those who already eat breakfast everyday and are patting themselves on the back, you're not out of the woods yet! Even the most devoted breakfast eater has room for improvement, because a healthy breakfast is the key to weight loss, improved health, and prolonged energy.

Sure, Pop Tarts and bagels will get your metabolism going, but they certainly aren't the healthiest choices. You need a bigger breakfast (around 500 calories) with at least 20 grams of protein to get your body started the right way and keep you satisfied for longer.

OK, this is all getting a bit complicated now, right? How could you possibly have time to make a 500 calorie breakfast with enough protein, vitamins, and minerals to actually do some good?

7 Easy Breakfast Recipes: Healthy Breakfast in Less Than 5 Minutes

If any of these make your mouth water, just follow the easy instructions on how to whip them up before your windshield is defrosted:

  1. Blueberry Smoothie With Toasted-Cheese Sandwich
  2. Prep time: 4 minutes 2 slices whole-wheat bread 1/2 c Kashi Go Lean Crunch! cereal 1 c fat-free milk 1 c frozen blueberries 1 1-oz slice Cheddar cheese Pop the bread into the toaster. Dump the cereal, milk, and berries into a blender and liquefy. Stick a slice of Cheddar between the warm slices of toast and nuke the sandwich in a microwave for 15 seconds. It tastes grilled -- but isn't. Benefits: "The cheese and milk in this meal are essential for building and maintaining new muscle," says Christine Rosenbloom, Ph.D., R.D., a professor of nutrition at Georgia State University. "The whole grains in the bread and cereal will help lower cholesterol, and the minerals in the milk and cheese will help keep blood-pressure levels down." Per meal: 509 calories, 26 grams (g) protein, 75 g carbohydrates, 14 g total fat, 12 g fiber
  3. Grab-and-Go Breakfast
  4. Prep time: 1 minute 1 medium apple 1/2 pint fat-free milk 1 bran Vita muffin 1 pack Skippy Squeeze Stix peanut butter Slice the apple, grab the milk, muffin, and peanut butter, and go. Squeeze the peanut butter out of its pack onto your apple slices as you eat. Benefits: Vita muffins ( contain 100 percent of your recommended intake of several important nutrients, including vitamins A, B6, B12, C, D, and E. Foods high in monounsaturated fats -- like peanut butter -- may boost testosterone levels. This meal should help you burn energy more efficiently and lift more weight at the gym. Per meal: 506 calories, 20 g protein, 87 g carbohydrates, 12 g total fat, 15 g fiber
  5. Minute Omelette with Toast
  6. Prep time: 2 minutes 1 egg 3/4 c frozen spinach, thawed 1 slice Canadian bacon, diced 2 slices whole-wheat bread 1 Tbsp almond butter 1 c Welch's grape juice Stir together the egg, spinach, and Canadian bacon and pour onto a plate coated with nonstick spray. Microwave for 1 minute or until the egg is fully cooked. Toast the bread and eat it with the almond butter. Chase everything with grape juice. Benefits: Monounsaturated fat in the almond spread will help prevent spikes and drops in blood sugar, which can leave you feeling tired or crabby. Grape juice gives you an antioxidant, called resveratrol, that not only helps lower LDL (bad) cholesterol levels but also helps improve bloodflow to the heart. Per meal: 540 calories, 25 g protein, 73 g carbohydrates, 19 g total fat, 8 g fiber
  7. Two PB-and-Banana Wraps With Milk
  8. Prep time: 2 minutes 2 Tbsp peanut butter 2 Eggo Special K waffles 1 medium banana 1/2 pint fat-free chocolate milk Spread a tablespoon of peanut butter over each (briefly microwaved) waffle. Divide the banana between them and roll each to make wraps. Wash down with chocolate milk. Benefits: Eggo's Special K waffles supply complex carbohydrates, which break down slowly in the body and stimulate the production of serotonin, a calming brain chemical. The banana is packed with potassium -- a heart protector. Per meal: 570 calories, 23 g protein, 90 g carbohydrates, 16 g total fat, 7 g fiber
  9. The Santa Fe Burrito
  10. Prep time: 4 minutes 2 eggs 1 c Santa Fe frozen mixed vegetables (black beans, peppers, and corn) 1 flour tortilla 1/2 c low-fat shredded Cheddar cheese 1/4 c salsa Mix the eggs and vegetables and spread the mixture on a plate coated with nonstick spray. Cook in the microwave for 1 minute, stir with a fork, and microwave again until the eggs are cooked and the vegetables warm. Pile onto a flour tortilla, top with shredded Cheddar cheese and salsa, fold, and eat. Benefits: "Without protein, guys can lose muscle mass quickly," says William J. Evans, Ph.D., a professor of geriatrics, physiology, and nutrition at the University of Arkansas. This meal is packed with it. Per meal: 530 calories, 36 g protein, 53 g carbohydrates, 18 g total fat, 6 g fiber
  11. Black-Cherry Smoothie and Peanut-Butter Oatmeal
  12. Prep time: 4 minutes 1 c R.W. Knudsen black-cherry juice 1 c frozen strawberries 1 c frozen unsweetened cherries 2 Tbsp protein powder 2/3 c oatmeal 1 Tbsp peanut butter 1/2 c fat-free milk Blend the cherry juice, frozen fruit, and protein powder until smooth. Microwave the oatmeal according to the directions on the package. Stir in the peanut butter and milk. Benefits: Men who ate at least one serving of whole-grain cereal (like oatmeal) a day had the lowest risk of dying of any cause, including heart disease, according to a 5-year study of 86,000 doctors. Cherries and strawberries are natural sources of salicylates -- the active ingredient in aspirin -- making them ideal for relieving stress-induced morning headaches. Per meal: 600 calories, 27 g protein, 100 g carbohydrates, 11 g total fat, 10 g fiber
  13. Almond-Butter-and-Raisin Sandwich With Smoothie
  14. Prep time: 1 minute 2 Tbsp almond butter 2 Eggo Special K waffles 1 Tbsp raisins 1 Stonyfield Farm smoothie Spread the almond butter on the waffles. Sprinkle the raisins over one waffle and top with the other. Wash down with the smoothie. Benefits: Whole-grain waffles help lower cholesterol and blood pressure, and improve your body's processing of insulin and glucose, a benefit that can reduce your risk of becoming diabetic. Per meal: 600 calories, 21 g protein, 86 g carbohydrates, 22 g total fat, 7 g fiber

Of course, you can combine parts of these, opting certain ingredients in and out. Just make sure you are staying close to the same macronutrient breakdown in terms of protein, carbs, vitamins, and minerals.

Do you have any healthy and easy breakfast recipes that don't include the words Kellogg's or 'io's? Let's hear 'em!

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