Did you know that over fifty percent of women will have to deal with some form of thrush. Whether it be occasional thrush or worse, recurring thrush. One thing is for sure, it is a very aggravating and embarrassing problem that no one wants to live with or even discuss.
So what exactly is Thrush?
A fungus called Candida is the culprit behind thrush. We all have this candida surviving harmlessly inside and outside our bodies. It likes to thrive in more moist parts of our bodies.
Can any one get thrush?
Although women are a bit more likely to get thrush, men can also have this over growth of fungus. It is also very common in infants and children.
What is the cause of thrush?
It is not the same for everyone since we all have different levels of immune strengths, different levels of healthy probiotics. Also our different levels of stress and moods. These can all cause this imbalance in our bodies and create this fungal over growth. For most folks a long bought with an anti-biotic can bring on this over growth. Foods high in sugars can also feed this bad fungus which will then over power the good fungus's that usually keeps the bad fungus in check. And, there are many other to numerous to mention in this short article.
What are some of the symptoms of thrush?
Slightly raised white patches usually on the mucous membrane in the mouth, throat and or tongue.
Beneath these membranes it may become raw and bleeding. Also a white creamy discharge from the anus and or vagina. Discomfort when urinating or engaging in sex.
Preventing thrush and/or yeast infection.
Diet is the key. A anti-fungal diet is critical to treating and preventing the intestinal fungal overgrowth of yeast. Foods with excessive amounts of sugars, refined carbohydrates and of course foods with yeast. These foods actually feed the bad fungus, giving them the nutrition they need to out grow the good fungus's in our bodies, thus developing into an over growth and becoming thrush or yeast infection.
Foods to be avoided to prevent fungal overgrowth.
Foods containing sugars such as sorbitol, lactose, fructose, maltose, mannitol, glucose. Also sugary syrups like molasses & maple syrup even honey.
Ready made sauces, canned soups, baked beans, sodas, juices, candies, ice cream, prepackaged meats, cereals, frozen foods. Worst of all, moldy cheeses like stilton, buttermilk, sour milk products and sour cream. Also whiskeys, wines, and beers.
Foods that may be eaten in moderation.
Potatoes, corn, oats, rice and wheat's. Turnips, parsnips, squashes, barley and millet and many others. Visit the site below for a complete holistic plan to permanently keep thrush and/or yeast infection at bay.
Natural anti-fungal products.
Saturated Fatty Acids, Berberine, Oregano, Garlic, Colloidal Silver, Cellulase and Plant Tannins.
Candida overgrowth (thrush/yeast infection) no matter how minor the case may be, is nothing to be ignored. When you see the evidence of thrush/yeast infection this is your body telling you that the problem is already at a heightened level on the inside of your body. Do not take any stage of Candida over-growth lightly.
So what are the right and wrong approaches to fighting candida over-growth?
The secret if that's what you want to call it is, keeping your immune system in balance. This is done with a very simple diet and exercise plan.
I not taking about eating foods that taste bad or exercising hours day. Short walks, limiting the foods that promote this over-growth and simply incorporating foods your body should have in the first place, foods with anti-fungal ingredients. Foods that strengthen your immune system.
This plan will not only fight off the Candida over-growth but also help with many other problems such as digestive disorders, allergies, muscle aches, migraines, mood swings, brain fog. You will regain vitality and energy and simply improve the quality of your life over all.
Drugs, creams and lotions are not the long-term or permanent answer. Where do you think they get the ingredients for these drugs and creams? That right, from nature. All natural elements that come from our great planet.
Listen, you have to eat anyway, right? Why not eat foods that are going to help and protect you and save yourself the thousands of dollars you're going to spend on doctor visits, drugs, creams and lotions?
Don't fight your Candida over-growth, simply prevent it permanently. That's right, I said permanently. Take a few minutes to read through the page that I've included a link to below. Discover what you're doing wrong and the simple solutions that will create a better you.
So whether you're trying to end the pain and embarrassments of your thrush/yeast infection or trying to prevent it in the first place, Take the time to read the critical information on the site below.
Here's to a better, happier You!