According to medical professionals Fibromyalgia is an incurable disease, which means that once you have it, you will always be stuck with it. But there are many who have come forward and told their story of how they found a cure and healed themselves without the help of their doctors.
Living Foods
Living foods are foods where the nutrients and all enzymes are still alive. They have not been processed, boiled, cooked or baked which destroys the nutrients and causes them to become toxic. Raw fruits, vegetables, sprouts, herbs and nuts and seeds are all examples of living foods that can help you to cure Fibromyalgia.
Studies have shown that people who suffer from Fibromyalgia are deficient in essential nutrients such as magnesium, calcium, serotonin and vitamin D. Therefore by restoring these nutrients you can begin to cure your disease.
Depression, muscle spasms and muscle pain are often associated with Fibromyalgia. Magnesium helps your muscles to contract and expand to prevent them from going into spasms, and it also helps to alleviate symptoms of depression.
Magnesium can be obtained naturally from raw foods such as avocados, spinach, swiss chard, beet greens, almonds, peanuts and hazelnuts.
Calcium is also essential for regulating the muscle movements, and it can be found in dark leaf vegetables such as kale, dandelion, collards, broccoli, mustard greens, as well as in sesame seeds, sunflower seeds, almonds, brazil nuts and pecans.
Calcium is also found in milk. However, milk has a lot of acids and other harmful ingredients that will add more toxins to your body and worsen your symptoms. Therefore it is best to obtain your calcium from plant based foods.
Vitamin D
Vitamin D is essential in order for you to be able to absorb calcium, and it also helps to fight depression that often is associated with Fibromyalgia. It is not easily obtained from your foods, but rather your body will create its own when you go out into the sunshine. If you are light-skinned then you only need about 10 to 15 minutes per day, and if you have a darker skin you may need an hour or two.
Serotonin is a chemical which is produced in the brain from certain foods that you eat. It can help you to sleep better so that you can overcome fatigue, anxiety, depression and fibro fog. Some of the foods that help to produce this are bananas, kiwi, pineapple, tomatoes, avocados, broccoli, melons, peanuts, walnuts and raw cacao.
By adding the above foods to your diet and eliminating all toxic foods you will begin to feel better and over time you will be able to cure your Fibromyalgia.